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Total: 10 results found.
Tags: [Conference future EU, reform, political landscape, citizens, institutions, Roberto, Castaldi, Perspectives on Federalism, 2021]  ...
Tags: [Constitutional adjudication, federalism, subnational courts of last resort, comparativerule of law, werner, reutter, 2021, perspectives on federalism]  ...
Tags: [Ethiopia; Ethnolinguistic federalism; interborder conflict; Raya; Wolkait, Yonattan Araya Zemaryam, Perspectives on Federalism, 2021]  ...
The Conference on the future of Europe is underway. It may pave the way to a reform of the EU. Or it may go down in history as a lost opportunity, or even as an initiative which backfired, having created ...
5. By Way of Introduction
(Giacomo Delledonne/Editorial)
... 2021. The second sessions are now set to start. Aside from its outcome, it is hard to underestimate the relevance of the Conference process, an experiment in participatory democracy that may turn into ...
Ever since the European Union came into existence many theories have addressed the state of European integration. This paper tries to offer a further interpretation building on the principal-agent concept. ...
In this article I explore the judicial dimension of federal systems from a subnational perspective. The findings show that regardles of the type of federalism subnational courts of last resort underscore ...
Secession in a EU context analysed from a multilevel governance unravels that there is in fact room EU interference in secessionist conflicts. Nevertheless, a balance should be struck between such commitment ...
This study examines the interplay between federalism and interborder conflict between the Tigrai and Amhara regions of Ethiopia. To this effect, secondary data, both qualitative and quantitative, were ...
... (CAP) 2021-2027 is intended to play a key supporting role for climate change mitigation and adaptation of agriculture as well as environmental protection. The paper considers how the recent communications ...
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