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Tags: [Secession, EU accession, EU Membership, multilevel governance, independence, Cédric, Lombaerts, Perspectives on Federalism]  ...
Secession in a EU context analysed from a multilevel governance unravels that there is in fact room EU interference in secessionist conflicts. Nevertheless, a balance should be struck between such commitment ...
... membership, stronger access to EU officials and documents, a seat on the Europol Management Board and an explicit right to ask oral and written questions. Taken together, these attributes indicate that ...
... The central question addressed here is to assess whether COSAC is currently structured to allow NPs to obtain more information and access to the policy and decision-making circuits at EU level and, therefore, ...
5. From the Unitary Patent Package to a Federal EU Patent Law
(Juliana Almeida and Guilherme Oliveira e Costa/Essay)
... of the Member-States, with a single application. This would simplify the patent protection system, making it easier, less costly and more secure, and would facilitate access to the internal market and ...
This paper analyses the case-law of the European Court of Justice on the scope and limits of cross-border access of economically inactive Union citizens to national systems of social assistance. The author ...
In Spain, over the last thirty years, the powers of “Autonomous Communities” to guarantee welfare and social rights have witnessed exponential proliferation. Such expansion has occurred within the wider ...
8. Policy
(Nocomment/no comment)
... notice issued in compliance with article 13 of legislative decree no. 196/2003 - Code regulating the protection of personal data – to those who interact with web services accessible via computer at:   ...
9. Accessibility
(Nocomment/no comment)
Declaration of accessibility This website has been developed according to the principles of accessibility and in respect of the Legge 9 January 2004, n 4 (commonly known as “Legge Stanca”, G.U. n 13 of ...
10. About the journal
(Nocomment/no comment)
Perspectives on Federalism   Edited by the Centre for Studies on Federalism   Perspectives on Federalism is an Open Access peer-reviewed journal, promoted by the Centre for Studies on Federalism. This ...
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