Environmental subsidiarity in the EU: or halfway to green federalism?
(Tiago de Melo Cartaxo/Essay)
(Tiago de Melo Cartaxo/Essay)
... specific sectoral legislation are concerned. This paper intends to analyse the application of the principle of subsidiarity to environmental issues within the EU, to examine the characteristics of a possible ...
History of a (Limited) Success: Five Points on the Representativeness of the Committee of the Regions
(Giuseppe Martinico/Essay)
(Giuseppe Martinico/Essay)
... application of the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality. This will be done by looking at a recent resolution of the CoR on a proposal made by the EU Commission to amend Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013. ...
From the Unitary Patent Package to a Federal EU Patent Law
(Juliana Almeida and Guilherme Oliveira e Costa/Essay)
(Juliana Almeida and Guilherme Oliveira e Costa/Essay)
... of the Member-States, with a single application. This would simplify the patent protection system, making it easier, less costly and more secure, and would facilitate access to the internal market and ...
The Interpretive Function of the CJEU and the Interrelationship of EU and National Levels of Consumer Protection
(Geraint Howells and Gert Straetmans/Essay)
(Geraint Howells and Gert Straetmans/Essay)
... The open wording of the norms and safeguard clauses in both directives allows room for their flexible application. The differentiated role between the Court of Justice, as the interpreter of European law, ...
... interests inherent in the concept of crime as a material notion. I argue that the application of the interpretation of the ECJ to crimes against collective interests is insufficiently justified. As a result, ...
State accountability for violations of EU law by Regions: infringement proceedings and the right of recourse
(Cristina Bertolino/Essay)
(Cristina Bertolino/Essay)
... and concrete application. ...
EU Citizenship before the CJEU: On the importance of the application of the proportionality principle
(Carmen Román Vaca/Essay)
(Carmen Román Vaca/Essay)
... (a concept introduced by Endicott, 2012), in the application of the principle by the CJEU. Through this approach, I will evaluate, as a second aim, the legitimacy of the final result achieved by the Court ...
The revival of the right to petition in the Statutes of Italian Ordinary Regions
(Cristina Bertolino/Essay)
(Cristina Bertolino/Essay)
... autonomy of regional legislators, providing for a wide range of applications. The analysis of regional regulations indicates that the right to petition has also found new applications that have turned ...
... Human Rights, the possibility to bypass the limits of the European Convention’s direct effect through the application of the Charter’s equivalent rights ...
Protection of EU citizens abroad: A legal assessment of the EU citizen’s right to consular and diplomatic protection
(Madalina Bianca Moraru/Essay)
(Madalina Bianca Moraru/Essay)
... countries abroad from any of the Member States that is represented in loco. Nevertheless, since for the moment, the right to protection abroad is limited to an application of the principle of non-discrimination ...
The judgment of the Court of Justice of the EU in the El Dridi case clarifies the scope of application of the Returns Directive, in particular with regard to the difference between criminal detention ...