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... based on a socio-legal approach, deliberately avoiding the predominant legal realist and legal positivist discourses. This is due to the fact that a functional analysis presupposes admitting the existence ...
... of Europe’s situation and avoid for this reason a fully structural approach to the institutional reforming process in the EU: a ‘sovereignty double-bind’ and a ‘democracy double-bind’. An effective roadmap ...
... by the European Court of Human Rights in order to avoid the crucial decision over the hierarchy between obligations arising from the ECHR and the UN Charter. This article describes the “elusive virtue” ...
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... identifications (consisting of random numbers generated by the server) necessary to allow the safe and efficient exploration of the website. The so-called session cookies used on this website avoid the ...
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... not accept to make a review on issues they are not qualified to deal with, and shall respect the schedule of the review. Reviewers should inform the editors and avoid to review submitted papers in case ...
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