The Challenge of Diversity in a Multinational Federation: The Impact of the Judiciary on Pluralism in Canada
(Frédéric Bérard and Jean-François Gaudreault-DesBi/Essay)
(Frédéric Bérard and Jean-François Gaudreault-DesBi/Essay)
... to that effect? In other words, how have Canadian courts dealt with pluralism throughout the years? Have they been successful in tackling such a challenge? This paper begins with a brief description of ...
Jurisdiction and Pluralisms: Judicial Functions and Organisation in Federal Systems
(Jens Woelk/Essay)
(Jens Woelk/Essay)
... system is of dual or integrated nature in the organisation of federal and State functions, whether it has to cope with a huge geographic extension, or whether the challenge for the federal system is ...
Regional responses to COVID-19: A comparative analysis of EU and ASEAN policies to counter the pandemic
(Maria Papageorgiou and Daniella S. Nogueira Melo/Essay)
(Maria Papageorgiou and Daniella S. Nogueira Melo/Essay)
COVID-19 has posed several challenges at the national level with governments adopting various policies to counter its spread. Nonetheless, the transnational nature of pandemics requires a coordinated regional ...
Climate change, food security and rights of peasants: how this complexity is addressed in the international legal framework.
(Roberto Talenti /Essay)
(Roberto Talenti /Essay)
Climate change will probably constitute the most serious security challenge that humanity will face in 21st century. The extreme complexity of both the causes and the consequences of this phenomenon makes ...
Fiscal Federalism Policy in Somalia: Emerging Challenges and Agenda for Reform
(Najibullah Nor Isak and Ali Yassin Sheikh Ali/Essay)
(Najibullah Nor Isak and Ali Yassin Sheikh Ali/Essay)
This paper examines the development of fiscal federalism in Somalia to reveal the challenges this unique country is facing and, based on the findings, propose and agenda for reform. Interviews, direct ...
Devolution and Peacebuilding in Kenya, fact or illusion? The case of Marsabit County
(Ibrahim Harun/Essay)
(Ibrahim Harun/Essay)
... has improved, and significant progress is recorded in the health and education sectors. Critical challenges remain and these include the prevalence of ethnic conflict, endemic corruption, limited resources, ...
Federalism in post-conflict states: Assessing Somalia's challenges and the way forward
(A.Y.S. Ali, A.H. Dahir and Z.D. Hersi/Essay)
(A.Y.S. Ali, A.H. Dahir and Z.D. Hersi/Essay)
The prime objectives of this study are to examine the perceptions and attitudes of Somalis toward federalism, as well as the challenges related to its adoption. The study gathered data via a self-administered ...
Rising to the Populist Challenge: Social Security prescriptions for the Italian Welfare State
(Davide Orsitto/Essay)
(Davide Orsitto/Essay)
Nowadays, the European Integration process is challenged by a rise in anti-establishment parties proposing policies reactionary to globalization. Italy, one of Europe’s founding nations and largest economies, ...
Inter-parliamentary cooperation as a means for reinforcing joint scrutiny in the EU: upgrading existing mechanisms and creating new ones
(Elena Griglio and Stelios Stavridis/Editorial)
(Elena Griglio and Stelios Stavridis/Editorial)
... to react to these challenges. It specifically assesses the practical impact of interparliamentary cooperation on the numerous democratic gaps that still exist in the EU´s multi-layered decision-making ...
The Lesson from the Modern American Federalism: A Challenge to Effective Public Policy Performance
(Geiguen Shin/Essay)
(Geiguen Shin/Essay)
Contemporary U.S. federalism particularly since the late1960s has evolved over the course of pluralism alternating exercisable governmental powers between the federal and state governments. The complexity ...
... of the European Union’s social objectives. However, despite some federal traits of the European Union (“EU”), since the beginning European social dialogue has faced numerous challenges, particularly when ...
Women’s rights and minorities’ rights in Canada. The challenges of intersectionality in Supreme Court jurisprudence
(Valentina Rita Scotti/Essay)
(Valentina Rita Scotti/Essay)
... for these groups of women a source of double discrimination. Brief concluding remarks discuss the challenges deriving from the different options for accommodating the principle of equality with cultural ...
How to Bridge the Gaps between Competing Paradigms for EU Law: An Introduction
(Marta Simoncini and Gert Straetmans/Editorial)
(Marta Simoncini and Gert Straetmans/Editorial)
... is developed through a series of contributions that challenge the paradigms in different directions. The discussion is articulated on two levels. On the one hand, a group of contributions focuses on the ...
The robustness of the EU’s constitutional framework – and its ability to accommodate democratic politics – is challenged as never before. The growing disconnect between formally democratic procedures and ...
Austerity on the loose in Portugal: European judicial restraint in times of crisis
(Francisco Pereira Coutinho/Essay)
(Francisco Pereira Coutinho/Essay)
... in court. A systemic failure in the jurisdictional system of the EU immunized the MoU to any judicial challenge. At the apex of the system, the Court of Justice of the EU declined to answer preliminary ...
National parliaments fighting back? Institutional engineering as a successful means to become active actors in EU affairs
(Diane Fromage/Essay)
(Diane Fromage/Essay)
... in EU affairs. This paper analyses how national parliaments (and their members) have reacted to the challenge the European integration process has represented for them while it also takes due account of ...
... with the same challenges and risks. In order to support this argument I analyse the development of the different budget headings as well as the increasing flexibility within the budgetary system.Leaving ...
Eurocrisis and the myths of European redistribution: illegitimate, unsustainable, inefficient?
(Francesco Nicoli/Essay)
(Francesco Nicoli/Essay)
... Demos”: it is believed that democracy- and thus redistribution- can endure only within a single Demos, and thus no solidarity can exist outside of a Demos. This paper aims to challenge the view that any ...
... de-constructs and challenges the weak rhetoric of transnational solidarity generously deployed by the Court of Justice at the beginning of the expansive cycle of its case-law on the transnational social ...
International Dictatorship or International Democracy. A Discussion of Albert Camus’ 1946 Considerations
(Tommaso Visone/Essay)
(Tommaso Visone/Essay)
... founded on the supremacy of European nation-States - and to consider such an attempt as an interesting standpoint to face current transnational challenges. ...