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Tags: [Climate Change, Climate Change mitigation, AFOLU sector, International Climate Treaties, International Climate Legal Regime, Roberto, Talenti, Perspectives on Federalism]  ...
The practice of federalism in Nigeria had undergone different stages of structuring to resolve salient political issues. However, despite each change to the structure, the clamour for further change has ...
It has been years now that the scientific community is warning about the gravity of climate change consequences and about the need to effectively respond to it. However, the climate crisis just seems to ...
... is trying to lead by example in order to reach the climate neutrality by 2050. However, is the EU really leading by example in the global fight against climate change? If so, through which means  ...
... (CAP) 2021-2027 is intended to play a key supporting role for climate change mitigation and adaptation of agriculture as well as environmental protection. The paper considers how the recent communications ...
Climate change will probably constitute the most serious security challenge that humanity will face in 21st century. The extreme complexity of both the causes and the consequences of this phenomenon makes ...
... leads this change with the Five Star – Lega Nord coalition government. The change in voting behavior urges a serious reflection on the social unease causing it. The prevailing view argues that the effects ...
... participation, the lowest common denominator compromise has not changed the numbers of participating MPs: Attendance records are stable over time, the size of national delegations continues to vary and ...
... once common throughout Europe. Hence calls for major reform are commonplace. However successful changes have been piecemeal and rare. Meanwhile the UK is not federal, but is nonetheless a ‘union state’, ...
... It contains an analysis of material generated in in-depth interviews. The Capital Markets Union (CMU) initiative serves as an umbrella term for regulatory changes directed at the overall development of ...
... immigration policy. This does not apply to Quebec. This policy change may suggest that, although immigration federalism may be grounded on reasons other than the need to accommodate linguistic or ethnic ...
... is not fully constraining: there is considerable evidence of extraconstitutional innovation and improvisation by governments. Furthermore, changes in practice initiated by Canadian subnational actors have ...
... Mario Monti, presenting the main obstacles to change and possible ways forward. This paper updates the author’s in-depth analysis How the EU budget is financed: The “own resources” system and the debate ...
... of the current ‘decentralized’ fiscal policy in the EZ. In a nutshell, we suggest a change in the composition of QE asset purchases, focusing on buying European Investment Bank (EIB) bonds that, in turn, ...
... the MFF Regulation. The scope of the review, as laid down in the legislation, as well as the difficult implementation of the MFF in its first years, give grounds to expect changes in the MFF Regulation. ...
Contributions in this special issue argue make a number of points with regard to the urgent need to change the economic governance of the Eurozone, pointing at some tools to increase its spending capacity. ...
In this article I argue that the EU budget is (slowly) moving from a budget based on the rationale that richer EU countries help poorer EU countries in exchange for their engagement to the process of economic ...
18. Belgian Federalism after the Sixth State Reform
(Jurgen Goossens and Pieter Cannoot/Essay)
... critically analyses the current state of Belgian federalism. Although the sixth state reform realized important and long-awaited changes, further evolutions are to be expected. Since the Belgian state ...
... of the federal architecture. In this context, sub-national constitutionalism at first sight appears to be marginal. Astoundingly, though, in recent time a lot of constitutional changes and amendments paving ...
This contribution studies the question of governmental accountability in the crisis. It looks at how three Member State’s parliaments – French, German and Spanish– have exchanged on European Council meetings ...
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