Attempts to change the British House of Lords into a second chamber of the nations and regions: explaining a history of failed reforms
(Meg Russell/Essay)
(Meg Russell/Essay)
... once common throughout Europe. Hence calls for major reform are commonplace. However successful changes have been piecemeal and rare. Meanwhile the UK is not federal, but is nonetheless a ‘union state’, ...
The role of the Capital Markets Union: towards regulatory harmonisation and supervisory convergence
(Sérgio Coimbra Henriques/Essay)
(Sérgio Coimbra Henriques/Essay)
... It contains an analysis of material generated in in-depth interviews. The Capital Markets Union (CMU) initiative serves as an umbrella term for regulatory changes directed at the overall development of ...
Canadian Federalism in Design and Practice: The Mechanics of a Permanently Provisional Constitution
(James A. Gardner/Essay)
(James A. Gardner/Essay)
... is not fully constraining: there is considerable evidence of extraconstitutional innovation and improvisation by governments. Furthermore, changes in practice initiated by Canadian subnational actors have ...
The Revision of the Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020. A Round-up of Key Issues at Stake
(Magdalena Sapała/Essay)
(Magdalena Sapała/Essay)
... the MFF Regulation. The scope of the review, as laid down in the legislation, as well as the difficult implementation of the MFF in its first years, give grounds to expect changes in the MFF Regulation. ...
Monetary and Fiscal Arrangements for the Eurozone. Some Unconventional Proposals
(Fabio Masini/Essay)
(Fabio Masini/Essay)
... The process of potential fragmentation ignited by the recent vote on Brexit make such changes even more urgent, signalling the need to provide concrete responses to citizens, in order to show that the ...
... critically analyses the current state of Belgian federalism. Although the sixth state reform realized important and long-awaited changes, further evolutions are to be expected. Since the Belgian state ...
Sub-national Constitutionalism in Austria: a Historical Institutionalist Perspective
(Ferdinand Karlhofer/Essay)
(Ferdinand Karlhofer/Essay)
... of the federal architecture. In this context, sub-national constitutionalism at first sight appears to be marginal. Astoundingly, though, in recent time a lot of constitutional changes and amendments paving ...
European Citizens… Mind the Gap! Some Reflections on Participatory Democracy in the EU
(Delia Ferri/Essay)
(Delia Ferri/Essay)
Since 1957, the European Economic Community (EEC) has undergone profound constitutional changes, dictated by the geographic and functional expansion of the EU, but also by the need to heal its original ...
Thinking ahead of disasters. The role of risk regulation in the European Union
(Marta Simoncini/Essay)
(Marta Simoncini/Essay)
... at achieving resilience against disasters. Being resilient means having the abilities to resist, adapt to stressful changes and to bounce back to the original structure. In a resilience-oriented context, ...
The Introduction of the "Balanced Budget" Principle into the Italian Constitution: What Perspectives for the Financial Autonomy of Regional and Local Governments?
(Antonella Gagliano/Essay)
(Antonella Gagliano/Essay)
... authorities and public borrowing has been broadly prohibited. What is the actual significance of the changes introduced by Constitutional Law no. 1/2012 for the financial autonomy of Italian sub-national ...
Indirect Taxation and the role of the European Court of Justice within the preliminary reference procedure
(Ricardo García Antón/Essay)
(Ricardo García Antón/Essay)
... that the nature of the relationship between the national courts that send requests for preliminary rulings and the CJEU has undergone profound changes. By analysing the case law in the field of indirect ...
Subconstitutionalism in a Multilayered System. A Comparative Analysis of Constitutional Politics in the German Länder
(Astrid Lorenz - Werner Reutter/Essay)
(Astrid Lorenz - Werner Reutter/Essay)
... we will present some explanations for these differences and similarities (2.), and finally we analyze some issues concerning changes of Land constitutions (3.) ...
What Role for Regional Assemblies in Regional States? Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom in Comparative Perspective
(Cristina Fasone/Essay)
(Cristina Fasone/Essay)
... of reforms and adaptation or decide to adopt institutional solutions already experimented or ‘constitutionally prepackaged’, without any changes. Secondly, it is highlighted that, with the exception of ...
Regional electoral legislation in Italy. A short essay on the rise and fall of the myth of territorial differentiation
(Enrico Grosso/Essay)
(Enrico Grosso/Essay)
Up to 15 years ago the Constitution entrusted State law with the task of regulating the election system of regional councillors. Since the nineties there have been radical changes in the provisions (constitutional ...
Legislative initiative and popular participation in the 1948 Constitution and its transposition in the first generation
(Anna Maria Poggi/Essay)
(Anna Maria Poggi/Essay)
... life. At the beginning of the Nineties, the Public Administration proceedings were amended and some instruments of citizens’ participation were introduced. These changes influenced the future discipline ...
Redefining Parliamentary Sovereignty: The Example of the Devolution Referenda
(Eleonora Harris/Essay)
(Eleonora Harris/Essay)
... this evolution is the extent to which the referendum has been used to put forward major constitutional changes in this new order. In that regard, this paper, which is divided into two parts, retraces the ...