Overcoming the Legal Iron Curtain: Similarities and differences in the use of preliminary references between new and old Member States
(Juan A. Mayoral/Essay)
(Juan A. Mayoral/Essay)
... (1961-2011) in all 27 Member States. Besides confirming the impact of common factors already tested in the literature, this research additionally identifies some differences in the institutional dynamics ...
The Multiannual Financial Framework 2014–20 – Best European value for less money?
(Mario Kölling/Essay)
(Mario Kölling/Essay)
... of the multiannual financial framework 2014–20, there seems to be a common ground to work towards an EU Budget that contributes to growth and employment in line with the Europe 2020 strategy. If this common ...
The Importance of Consistent Interpretation in Subnational Constitutional Contexts: Old Wine in New Bottles?
(Giuseppe Martinico/Essay)
(Giuseppe Martinico/Essay)
In this paper I will focus on the role of national common judges (“giudici comuni”) in systems that are not characterized by a dual court system (one of the elements indentified by Gardner as peculiar ...
... a commonly shared movement regarding regional legislative powers. In any case, however, regional legislative power is a fundamental element in the definition of the constitutionalism of the composed State ...
EU’s Projection of Security Peace Missions as a Tool either for Fusion or Fragmentation
(Gianni Bonvicini/Essay)
(Gianni Bonvicini/Essay)
If one looks at the rapid growth of the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) since the Blair-Chirac meeting of Saint-Malo in 1998 and in particular at the launch of several crisis management missions ...
... March: starting from it the author presents a brief reflection on the common elements of such proposals ...
... projects that its collaborators and researchers are carrying out in the field of juridical, economic, historical and political sciences. Therefore, if an institution or organization with common interests ...
Declaration of accessibility This website has been developed according to the principles of accessibility and in respect of the Legge 9 January 2004, n 4 (commonly known as “Legge Stanca”, G.U. n 13 of ...
... is divided into three sections. Along with essays and review articles, which are common to all academic journal, it will also publish very short notes to provide information and updated comments about ...