... the WTO Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) and discusses it in the light of the most commonly accepted definition of food security (i.e. the FAO’s definition). The analysis highlights a bifurcation in the ...
Canadian Federalism in Design and Practice: The Mechanics of a Permanently Provisional Constitution
(James A. Gardner/Essay)
(James A. Gardner/Essay)
... examines how subnational units in Canada actually compete with the central government, emphasizing the concrete strategies and tactics they most commonly employ to get their way in confrontations with ...
What Scope for Subnational Autonomy: the Issue of the Legal Enforcement of the Principle of Subsidiarity
(Werner Vandenbruwaene/Essay)
(Werner Vandenbruwaene/Essay)
... what? This paper argues that the principle of subsidiarity is one of the key components of a system of multilevel governance. Subsidiarity is commonly assumed to require power to reside ‘as close to those ...
... a commonly shared movement regarding regional legislative powers. In any case, however, regional legislative power is a fundamental element in the definition of the constitutionalism of the composed State ...
Declaration of accessibility This website has been developed according to the principles of accessibility and in respect of the Legge 9 January 2004, n 4 (commonly known as “Legge Stanca”, G.U. n 13 of ...