Rights of Minors and Constitutional Politics in the German Länder. Legal Framework, Party Strategies, and Constitutional Amendments
(Astrid Lorenz/Essay)
(Astrid Lorenz/Essay)
... The political debate supporting extended children's rights rather refers to general observations, to the specific regional context, and constitutional provisions in other Länder. At least with regard to ...
Sub-national Constitutionalism in Austria: a Historical Institutionalist Perspective
(Ferdinand Karlhofer/Essay)
(Ferdinand Karlhofer/Essay)
... of the federal architecture. In this context, sub-national constitutionalism at first sight appears to be marginal. Astoundingly, though, in recent time a lot of constitutional changes and amendments paving ...
... forms and ideas that are radical in a British context (such as popular sovereignty, proportional representation, a written constitution, and a commitment to covenantal socio-economic and environmental ...
Eurozone, non-Eurozone and “troubled asymmetries” among national parliaments in the EU. Why and to what extent this is of concern
(Cristina Fasone/Essay)
(Cristina Fasone/Essay)
... article deals with the asymmetries amongst the national parliaments arisen in this context. National procedures adopted to deal with the new legal measures reinforce some parliaments while they severely ...
Multilevel Systems and Sub-National Constitutional Politics in Germany: a Qualitative Comparative Analysis
(Werner Reutter/Essay)
(Werner Reutter/Essay)
... I apply a new empirical tool to the research question at hand by using Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA). Qualitative – or Configurational – Comparative Analysis is supposed to better contextualize ...
Constitutional bases in the federal conflict over access to health care of undocumented immigrants in Spain
(Irene Sobrino Guijarro/Essay)
(Irene Sobrino Guijarro/Essay)
... care, and highlights the crucial constitutional role of the subnational levels of government in preserving social inclusion policies in a context of general welfare retrenchment. ...
Crisis, emergency and subnational constitutionalism in the Italian context
(Giuseppe Martinico - Leonardo Pierdominici/Essay)
(Giuseppe Martinico - Leonardo Pierdominici/Essay)
... research on the incidence of the crisis on some specific aspects in the Italian legal context, and especially on the relationships between the coordination of budgetary and financial policies and the welfare ...
The politics of sub-national constitutions and local government in Ethiopia
(Zemelak Ayitenew Ayele/Essay)
(Zemelak Ayitenew Ayele/Essay)
... institutions at those levels, are involved only in the execution of decisions passed by the centre. Given such a context, the establishment and empowerment of local government – which took place in two ...
Strengthening state constitutionalism from the federal Constitution: the case of Mexico
(José María Serna de la Garza/Essay)
(José María Serna de la Garza/Essay)
... the way in which interactions between the federal and state normative orders are taking place under the new political context. ...
What Scope for Subnational Autonomy: the Issue of the Legal Enforcement of the Principle of Subsidiarity
(Werner Vandenbruwaene/Essay)
(Werner Vandenbruwaene/Essay)
... case at hand. The paper will start with construing a legal conception of subsidiarity and how said principle performs a crucial function in securing legitimacy in a context of multilevel governance. Subsidiarity ...
Constitutional Courts, Constitutional Interpretation, and Subnational Constitutionalism
(Anna Gamper/Essay)
(Anna Gamper/Essay)
... they assess the compatibility of state constitutions with the federal constitution and whether there is potential for interpretive federalism in subnational constitutional contexts. Three cases where subnational ...
Riddle Me This, Riddle Me That: Anti-social Behaviour, Vagueness and Judicial Discretion in the United Kingdom
(Eleonora Harris/Essay)
(Eleonora Harris/Essay)
... freedoms, the conditions for granting them were unclear, as were the requirements to which respondents had to attune to. In that context, judges played a crucial role in attempting to define the scope ...
Thinking ahead of disasters. The role of risk regulation in the European Union
(Marta Simoncini/Essay)
(Marta Simoncini/Essay)
... at achieving resilience against disasters. Being resilient means having the abilities to resist, adapt to stressful changes and to bounce back to the original structure. In a resilience-oriented context, ...
The Multiannual Financial Framework 2014–20 – Best European value for less money?
(Mario Kölling/Essay)
(Mario Kölling/Essay)
The eurozone crisis has made budgetary issues the focal point of political and public debates about the European Union. Besides the pessimistic context and conflictive nature of the ongoing negotiation ...
The Importance of Consistent Interpretation in Subnational Constitutional Contexts: Old Wine in New Bottles?
(Giuseppe Martinico/Essay)
(Giuseppe Martinico/Essay)
In this paper I will focus on the role of national common judges (“giudici comuni”) in systems that are not characterized by a dual court system (one of the elements indentified by Gardner as peculiar ...
Exploring Subnational Constitutionalism: A Special Issue
(Giacomo Delledonne - Giuseppe Martinico/Essay)
(Giacomo Delledonne - Giuseppe Martinico/Essay)
... in those federal or regional contexts where subnational polities do not have a legal document formally called “constitution”. Some contributions have a national focus (on Belgium, Spain, Germany, Argentina, ...
Federalism, Fiscal Federalism and Health Federalism: Standard Costs in Legislative Decree No. 68 of May 6th, 2011
(Giorgio Grasso/Essay)
(Giorgio Grasso/Essay)
... Decrees No. 229/1999 and No. 56/2000 while also trying to understand the historical context in which the two concepts were initially envisaged. Finally, with the firm belief that federalism and health ...
EU Citizenship, Naturalisations, and Mythical Cultural Exceptionalism in Europe Today
(Dimitry Kochenov/Essay)
(Dimitry Kochenov/Essay)
... and consolidation of EU citizenship changed the whole framework of reference within which any Member State nationality operates and should be discussed. The argument is that, particularly in the EU context, ...
... be accompanied by a contextual decision fixing the date for the start of a fully fledged completed European Federation since one fundamental principle of democracy is “No Taxation without Representati ...
The Spinelli Group: an engine of the initiatives that Europe needs?
(Roberto Castaldi/editorial)
(Roberto Castaldi/editorial)
This paper analyses the importance of the creation of the Spinelli Group in the current context of the European unification process. If the Spinelli Group manages to take initiatives to advance the ability ...