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... is developed through a series of contributions that challenge the paradigms in different directions. The discussion is articulated on two levels. On the one hand, a group of contributions focuses on the ...
Contributions in this special issue argue make a number of points with regard to the urgent need to change the economic governance of the Eurozone, pointing at some tools to increase its spending capacity. ...
3. A New Start for Perspectives on Federalism
(Roberto Castaldi - Giuseppe Martinico/Editorial)
... and philosophical contributions. In spite of the evident diversities of these articles, we can identify three main connecting themes: latest developments in EU law, history of thought and European integration, ...
... and confidence. The Basque Chamber has not limited itself to express a “yes-or-no”-opinion, but has tried to make specific contributions for improving the proper performance of the provisions of Protocol ...
5. Exploring Subnational Constitutionalism: A Special Issue
(Giacomo Delledonne - Giuseppe Martinico/Essay)
... in those federal or regional contexts where subnational polities do not have a legal document formally called “constitution”. Some contributions have a national focus (on Belgium, Spain, Germany, Argentina, ...
In the introduction the topic of the special issue is introduced, followed by an overview of the single contributions and some general remarks. Three of the contributions specifically address aspects of ...
7. Archives
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Perspectives on Federalism web-site is updated as soon as new contributions are approved by reviewers and revised by the authors. They are then collected into three issues a year. You can freely download ...
8. About the journal
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... contributions from different disciplinary viewpoints as the subject of federalism requires. Papers submitted will undergo a process of double blind review before eventually being accepted for publication. ...
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