The Conference on the future of Europe is underway. It may pave the way to a reform of the EU. Or it may go down in history as a lost opportunity, or even as an initiative which backfired, having created ...
A New Form of Democratic Oversight in the EU: The Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group for Europol
(Ian Cooper/Essay)
(Ian Cooper/Essay)
In 2017, a new Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group (JPSG) was created to enable members of the national parliaments of the EU and the European Parliament to exercise joint oversight of the EU agency for ...
From procedural disagreement to joint scrutiny? The Interparliamentary Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance
(Valentin Kreilinger/Essay)
(Valentin Kreilinger/Essay)
The provision of Article 13 TSCG to create an Interparliamentary Conference was the starting point for long discussions after which national parliaments and the European Parliament eventually reached a ...
A comparison of existing forums for interparliamentary cooperation in the EU and some lessons for the future
(Diane Fromage/Essay)
(Diane Fromage/Essay)
... parliamentarians, two new conferences and a new joint parliamentary scrutiny group for Europol have been created since 2012. Against this background, this article examines to what extent the Joint parliament ...
Attempts to change the British House of Lords into a second chamber of the nations and regions: explaining a history of failed reforms
(Meg Russell/Essay)
(Meg Russell/Essay)
... programme. Hence for decades, and particularly the last 20 years, devolution and Lords reform have both been on the UK’s political agenda. Throughout this time attempts to create a ‘second chamber of the ...
... the major kind of constraints so far adopted. Of each major category the focus is upon institutional weaknesses that create the room for the adoption of circumventing practices. The following section focuses ...
The Never-Ending Reform of the EU: Another Link in the Chain of the Semi-Permanent Treaty Revision Process?
(Roberto Castaldi - Giuseppe Martinico/Essay)
(Roberto Castaldi - Giuseppe Martinico/Essay)
This special issue is the result of a long project started within the activity of one of the working groups created at the Centre for Studies on Federalism, Turin, almost three years ago, namely the working ...
The “Arab Spring” and the EU’s “Democracy Promotion” in Egypt: A Missed Appointment?
(Tommaso Virgili/Essay)
(Tommaso Virgili/Essay)
... External Action Service, and therefore the most important testing ground for the newly created EU department. From this analysis it will emerge that, in spite of the attempt to review the European policy ...
Crisis, emergency and subnational constitutionalism in the Italian context
(Giuseppe Martinico - Leonardo Pierdominici/Essay)
(Giuseppe Martinico - Leonardo Pierdominici/Essay)
... state model we shall limit ourselves to some reflections on the situation of emergency created by the crisis by showing the incremental and sometimes non-linear nature of the latest developments in the ...
The embedment of states in a multilevel government environment created by rule-based international organizations, also impacts upon the position of subnational entities in federal and quasi-federal states. ...
Refocusing Europe on growth and employment: the citizens’ initiative for an extraordinary European plan
(Paolo Ponzano/Editorial)
(Paolo Ponzano/Editorial)
... Commission, as the European institution that has the right of legislative initiative, to present a legislative proposal for the adoption of an extraordinary European public investment plan and to create ...
Thinking ahead of disasters. The role of risk regulation in the European Union
(Marta Simoncini/Essay)
(Marta Simoncini/Essay)
... shape the nature of regulation and create a number of challenges for regulators. The modes which disaster risk regulation follows in the EU are therefore analysed as a key issue for enhancing the understanding ...
New Evidence of Asian Economic Integration: Prospects and Challenges of a Trilateral FTA between China, Japan and South Korea
(Yuming Cui/Essay)
(Yuming Cui/Essay)
... as political economy considerations, the establishment of the FTA-CJK will not be a smooth process. Pragmatic and practical strategies during the FTA-CJK negotiation are needed to create a win-win-win ...
The Importance of Consistent Interpretation in Subnational Constitutional Contexts: Old Wine in New Bottles?
(Giuseppe Martinico/Essay)
(Giuseppe Martinico/Essay)
... why national (lower) judges may play a fundamental role in solving many of the normative inconsistencies that this scenario creates ...
Regional electoral legislation in Italy. A short essay on the rise and fall of the myth of territorial differentiation
(Enrico Grosso/Essay)
(Enrico Grosso/Essay)
... change were not able (or did not want) to introduce substantial differentiations and innovations and they have only created systems almost identical to one another. Such a conclusion is only seemingly ...
The ‘enemy’ at the gates? Assessing the European military contribution to the Libyan war
(Fabrizio Coticchia/Essay)
(Fabrizio Coticchia/Essay)
According to the ‘Defense Strategic Guidance’ (2012), the growing military capabilities of US allies will create new opportunities for sharing responsibilities in world affairs. The US strategic document ...
Operation Atalanta and the Protection of EU Citizens: Civis Europaeus Unheeded?
(Joris Larik/Essay)
(Joris Larik/Essay)
... mandate, which creates tension and confusion between the general objective and the CSDP instrument. The paper concludes that the mandate of Atalanta, by focussing entirely on universal objectives, ...
Why Immigration Policy Should Be a Federal Policy: Considerations on the EU and the US
(Paolo Giordani/note)
(Paolo Giordani/note)
... Because immigration reforms in one state are felt beyond its borders, other states will respond in kind. Decentralization will, therefore, create coordination problems between states and will reduce ...