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... the process of creation of new forums for interparliamentary cooperation. It makes some concrete proposals in that direction. ...
For the first time since its creation, the European Union (EU) has been living its probably most significant identity crisis. This crisis has its roots in different critical situations that have hit the ...
... term reforms which can reinforce the Commission and its democratization in the future: an intense parliamentarization of the Commission, the creation of pan-European lists for the European Elections and ...
... and human rights, hinged on the use of positive and negative conditionality. The empirical focus of the piece will be on the period following the Arab Uprising, coinciding with the creation of the European ...
5. Europe Is at a Watershed
(Antonio Padoa Schioppa/Editorial)
... be achieved is the creation of a supranational government within the Eurozone.  ...
... European multilevel systems have allowed for the creation of such ‘sub-national constitutional space’ enabling their constituent units to be active in the international arena. It does so by examining the ...
... are expected to favor the creation of sub-national constitutions. For these reasons, the absence of real constitutional power for the sub-states in Belgium appears to be an anomaly. The research question ...
... the counterproductive nature of the ‘integration’ approach to the absorption of non-citizens. The essay claims that there is no such thing as a ‘nation-specific’ culture to be tested and that the creation ...
9. Towards a European Federal Fiscal Union
(Alberto Majocchi/Essay)
... the creation of a European Federal Fiscal Union, along the lines followed in the past to achieve the single currency. The first stage should be the creation of a European Fiscal Institute, whose main task ...
This paper analyses the importance of the creation of the Spinelli Group in the current context of the European unification process. If the Spinelli Group manages to take initiatives to advance the ability ...
11. A World Currency for a World New Deal
(Antonio Mosconi/Essay)
... towards the creation of a world currency, as it happened in the EU. The Chinese Central Bank Governor proposal to modify the IMF SDR (Special Drawing Rights) composition and to use them to that purpose ...
The author questions the influence of the creation of a single currency on the formation of European citizenship. Whereas the transnational dimension of such citizenship (which affects the citizen of ...
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