European Integration and Minority Nationalism: a Literature Review and Avenues for Further Research
(Michal Strnad/Essay)
(Michal Strnad/Essay)
... development of the European Union (EU) is characterised by an unprecedented cumulation of crises, generating integration and disintegration tensions in its multi-level governance structure. How do these ...
... and crucial because the European Union arguably faces one of the most acute legitimacy crises since the beginning of the European integration process. At the same time however, these elections also mark ...
A Federal Turn? The European Union's Response to Constitutional Crises in the Member States
(Matteo Bonelli/Essay)
(Matteo Bonelli/Essay)
The EU has not yet found effective answers to constitutional crises in its Member States, in particular Hungary and Poland. Due to systemic problems of compliance with the common values of Art. 2, the ...
Differentiated integration contingent on objective ability: a federalist critique
(Samo Bardutzky/Essay)
(Samo Bardutzky/Essay)
... events that took place in the crises and post-crises period (aftermath of the financial crisis, ongoing refugee crisis and the Brexit shock). It is particularly interested in the scenario of differentiated ...
... cannot be explained today by constitutional pluralism as a paradigm, linked to the current economic and political crises in the Union. The reconstruction of the debate is complemented with reflections ...
This paper applies the interpretative scheme “crisis-initiative-leadership” - developed with reference to the European unification process as a whole – to the current crises to analyse if and how the ...