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... by the authorities of the resolutions of the Constitutional Court (CC), which concluded with the Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) by Parliament at the same time as the adoption of the measures ...
... to ASEAN Human Rights Declaration (2012) or general political principles adopted inside ASEAN we will find several value-oriented peculiarities that distinguish it from EU political and juridical fundamental ...
... constitutionalism. The sovereign constitutional norms are the same and the Basic Laws – such as the Joint Declarations - are essentially identical; that is, the normative superstructure has a high degree ...
The International Court of Justice gave its Advisory Opinion on the “Accordance with international law of the unilateral declaration of independence in respect of Kosovo” few months ago. It found no prohibition ...
This short note aims at providing an analysis of the Schuman Declaration focused on the following points: 1) the genesis of the Schuman Declaration; 2) its federalist content; 3) its topicality ...
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Declaration of accessibility This website has been developed according to the principles of accessibility and in respect of the Legge 9 January 2004, n 4 (commonly known as “Legge Stanca”, G.U. n 13 of ...
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