Sub-national Constitutionalism in Austria: a Historical Institutionalist Perspective
(Ferdinand Karlhofer/Essay)
(Ferdinand Karlhofer/Essay)
... informal rules and practices is discussed. Chapter 3 deals with scope, contents and dynamics of sub-national constitutionalism under the given framework. The article concludes with assessing the efficacy ...
Riddle Me This, Riddle Me That: Anti-social Behaviour, Vagueness and Judicial Discretion in the United Kingdom
(Eleonora Harris/Essay)
(Eleonora Harris/Essay)
... concerning the scope, efficacy, and legitimacy of measures dealing with anti-social behaviour. This paper proposes to analyse the difficult balance between protecting communities and social groups, on ...
Early warning and regional parliaments: in search of a new model. Suggestions from the Basque experience
(Josu Osés Abando/Essay)
(Josu Osés Abando/Essay)
The balance sheet of having had the early warning procedure for two years shows that the active role developed by some regional parliaments, like the Basque Parliament, has reached a point of lack of efficacy ...