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Total: 11 results found.
1. The Judiciary in Federal Systems in Africa
(Nico Steytler & Zemelak Ayele/Essay)
Tags: [Africa, federalism, judicial pluralism, language and ethnic diversity, Steytler, Ayele, Perpectives on Federalism]  ...
... Thus, it is concluded that ethnolinguistic federalism could not be a panacea for ethnic conflict in Ethiopia, especially in the north. Both regions are working to expand their territories beyond their ...
3. The Judiciary in Federal Systems in Africa
(Nico Steytler & Zemelak Ayele/Essay)
... structure of the courts, how are judges appointed? Thirdly, as language and ethnic diversity are often the key reasons for the establishment of federal arrangements, how is the language question dealt ...
...  linguistic or ethnic diversity in a multinational or multiethnic federation.  ...
The purpose of this paper is to analyse the role and place of oil and gas politics in the Iraqi Federation. This aspect is investigated in the relationship to ethnic conflict. These two features are considered ...
... has improved, and significant progress is recorded in the health and education sectors. Critical challenges remain and these include the prevalence of ethnic conflict, endemic corruption, limited resources, ...
When ethnic groups negotiate self-government arrangements, ‘ethnic sovereignty’ lies boldly at the heart of their security considerations. The constitutional nature of self-determination and the extent ...
... immigration policy. This does not apply to Quebec. This policy change may suggest that, although immigration federalism may be grounded on reasons other than the need to accommodate linguistic or ethnic ...
9. Margins of Nationality. External ethnic citizenship and non-discrimination
(Kriszta Kovács, Zsolt Körtvélyesi, and Alíz Nagy/Essay)
... the rules of both birthright and acquired political membership. Most states employ some form of cultural affinity-based criteria relating to ethnic identity that differentiate between applicants that seek ...
... differ from each other in terms of territorial size, ethnic composition and economic and social circumstances, making a one-size-fits-all approach inappropriate to the design of local government. Nevertheless, ...
Not a single federation has been successful in demarcating the territorial matrix of the federation into ethnically pure subnational units. This includes federations that are primarily designed to accommodate ...
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