... regard. First, does the structure of the judicial institutions also follow the vertical division of powers between the central and subnational governments? Secondly, given the non-centrist or centrist ...
Regional responses to COVID-19: A comparative analysis of EU and ASEAN policies to counter the pandemic
(Maria Papageorgiou and Daniella S. Nogueira Melo/Essay)
(Maria Papageorgiou and Daniella S. Nogueira Melo/Essay)
COVID-19 has posed several challenges at the national level with governments adopting various policies to counter its spread. Nonetheless, the transnational nature of pandemics requires a coordinated regional ...
The Lesson from the Modern American Federalism: A Challenge to Effective Public Policy Performance
(Geiguen Shin/Essay)
(Geiguen Shin/Essay)
Contemporary U.S. federalism particularly since the late1960s has evolved over the course of pluralism alternating exercisable governmental powers between the federal and state governments. The complexity ...
Shared Rule vs Self-Rule? Bicameralism, Power-Sharing and the 'Joint Decision Trap'
(Arthur Benz/Essay)
(Arthur Benz/Essay)
In federal and regionalised states, bicameralism constitutes shared rule between levels of governments. At the same time, second chambers serve as a safeguard protecting self-rule of decentralised governments ...
Socialisation and legitimacy intermediation in the Council of the European Union
(Kamil Ławniczak/Essay)
(Kamil Ławniczak/Essay)
... question. Intergovernmentalist theory posits that it is sufficiently legitimised, indirectly, by the member state governments. Constructivist research, on the other hand, suggests that socialisation might ...
The role of the Capital Markets Union: towards regulatory harmonisation and supervisory convergence
(Sérgio Coimbra Henriques/Essay)
(Sérgio Coimbra Henriques/Essay)
... question. Intergovernmentalist theory posits that it is sufficiently legitimised, indirectly, by the member state governments. Constructivist research, on the other hand, suggests that socialisation might ...
Canadian Federalism in Design and Practice: The Mechanics of a Permanently Provisional Constitution
(James A. Gardner/Essay)
(James A. Gardner/Essay)
... is not fully constraining: there is considerable evidence of extraconstitutional innovation and improvisation by governments. Furthermore, changes in practice initiated by Canadian subnational actors have ...
Party capability theory assumes that governments, due to their immense resources and status as repeat players, hold a great advantage over individuals and organizations pursuing litigation in courts. Less ...
The failure of intergovernmentalism in tackling the EU crisis and the European Parliament’s initiative
(Roberto Castaldi/Editorial)
(Roberto Castaldi/Editorial)
... level. National governments have taken the lead in the crisis management of the EU: the European Council has become the dominant institution and the intergovernmental method has come back into fashion. ...
Article 260 TFEU Sanctions in Multi-Tiered Member States
(W. Vandenbruwaene, P. Popelier and C. Janssens/Essay)
(W. Vandenbruwaene, P. Popelier and C. Janssens/Essay)
... the central and regional governments involved. After analysing the composition of the financial sanctions, we cover the involvement of subnational entities in the infringements proceedings in six tiered ...
... frameworks stipulated in support of federalism and subnational governance. The analysis shall be focused on the Local Governments Ordinance of 2001 and the 18th Constitutional Amendment, as these have ...
National parliaments and governmental accountability in the crisis: theory and practice
(Diane Fromage/Essay)
(Diane Fromage/Essay)
... and Euro summits organized between 2010 and 2014. It first analyzes the formal obligations these Governments have in this domain before focusing on the practice; how National parliaments have used their ...
The European Union affects not only the competences of the Governments and Parliaments, but also of all public authorities, in particular the powers of sub-state entities of compound states, who saw how ...
... topicality and has also been called for by several EU governments, including that of Germany, ever since the economic crisis has begun to threaten the very survival of the Euro. The aim of this paper is ...
The Introduction of the "Balanced Budget" Principle into the Italian Constitution: What Perspectives for the Financial Autonomy of Regional and Local Governments?
(Antonella Gagliano/Essay)
(Antonella Gagliano/Essay)
... it attempts to verify whether the new formulation of these constitutional provisions materializes the risk of a significant reduction in the financial autonomy of both Regions and Local Governments. With ...
Implementing fiscal decentralization in Italy between crisis and austerity: Challenges ahead
(Stefano Piperno/Essay)
(Stefano Piperno/Essay)
Since 2010 the Italian central government has embarked on a challenging program of fiscal consolidation, which is hugely affecting sub-central government finances. Sub-national governments are involved ...
Comparing the Subnational Constitutional Space of the European Sub-State Entities in the Area of Foreign Affairs
(Nikos Skoutaris/Essay)
(Nikos Skoutaris/Essay)
Foreign affairs have been traditionally seen as an exclusive competence of central governments. However, over the last 30 years, European paradiplomacy has been progressively developing not least because ...
What Role for Regional Assemblies in Regional States? Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom in Comparative Perspective
(Cristina Fasone/Essay)
(Cristina Fasone/Essay)
The article aims to underline firstly the trend towards the homogenization of the subnational forms of governments, at regional level, across regional States, focusing on Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom ...
Subnational constitutions are constitutions within constitutions. They constitute governments that work within larger, national governments. Their characteristics, the subject of comparative study, differ ...
Civil participation policy and democratic innovation in the autonomous community of Aragon
(Sergio Castel Gayán/Essay)
(Sergio Castel Gayán/Essay)
... the quality of democracy and the efficiency of public decision-making. It is necessary to assume that governments cannot face these complex transformations without taking into account all voices and interests. ...