The “Arab Spring” and the EU’s “Democracy Promotion” in Egypt: A Missed Appointment?
(Tommaso Virgili/Essay)
(Tommaso Virgili/Essay)
... External Action Service, and therefore the most important testing ground for the newly created EU department. From this analysis it will emerge that, in spite of the attempt to review the European policy ...
The Evolutionary Economic Implications of Constitutional Designs: Lessons from the Constitutional Morphogenesis of New England and New Zealand
(Benjamen F. Gussen/Essay)
(Benjamen F. Gussen/Essay)
... is the key to economic prosperity in a globalising world, where the role of the nation-state is increasingly marginalised. Nourishing local autonomy is important for constitutional aspirations. ...
The Role of Subnational Constitutions in Accommodating Centrifugal Tendencies within European States: Flanders, Catalonia and Scotland Compared
(Dirk Hanschel/Essay)
(Dirk Hanschel/Essay)
... as important focal points for regional identification and be part of suitable autonomy arrangements within the State. They may help accommodate centrifugal tendencies, as long as the empowerment stems ...
Multilevel Systems and Sub-National Constitutional Politics in Germany: a Qualitative Comparative Analysis
(Werner Reutter/Essay)
(Werner Reutter/Essay)
... and in detail, the Länder have significant constitutional leeway with regard to European integration. In addition – and maybe even more importantly – the paper explores unknown methodological territory. ...
Movement towards a Flemish Constitution: the Charter for Flanders, another failed attempt?
(Sarah Lambrecht/Essay)
(Sarah Lambrecht/Essay)
... but rather an important political value. First, the text reveals a strong connection with the EU. The Charter’s drafters interwove the fundamental right provisions in the Belgian Constitution with those ...
The politics of sub-national constitutions and local government in Ethiopia
(Zemelak Ayitenew Ayele/Essay)
(Zemelak Ayitenew Ayele/Essay)
... regional states to use its constitution, among others, to design and adopt a system and structure of local government fitting to its circumstances. This is particularly important since the regional states ...
Strengthening state constitutionalism from the federal Constitution: the case of Mexico
(José María Serna de la Garza/Essay)
(José María Serna de la Garza/Essay)
In this essay, the author explores the way in which courts have played an important role in defining the shape of Mexico’s federal system and state constitutionalism in that country’s emerging multi-party ...
On the Brink of a Federal State? The Decentralisation Model of the Peruvian Constitution
(Maria Bertel/Essay)
(Maria Bertel/Essay)
... this domain. More than a decade later, the decentralisation process is still work in progress. In this article, I will analyse the relevant case law of the Constitutional Court and the most important constitutional ...
The international role of the European Parliament: The SWIFT Affair and the ‘re-assessed’ European institutional balance of power
(Maria Romaniello/Essay)
(Maria Romaniello/Essay)
... Treaty enhanced the European Parliament’s role in that field and although it cannot act as a full legislator, it nonetheless acquired new powers for acting internationally. One of the most important achievements ...
New Evidence of Asian Economic Integration: Prospects and Challenges of a Trilateral FTA between China, Japan and South Korea
(Yuming Cui/Essay)
(Yuming Cui/Essay)
Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) as a powerful trade policy instrument increasingly play an important role in Asian economic growth. Asian countries have sought to deepen their economic integration to achieve ...
Implementing fiscal decentralization in Italy between crisis and austerity: Challenges ahead
(Stefano Piperno/Essay)
(Stefano Piperno/Essay)
... to seek efficiency gains in the provision of public services and smoothing out intergovernmental relations may represent one of the most important structural measures to address consolidation needs. ...
Reshaping Disability Policy Making in Italy: The ‘Focal Point’, the National Observatory on the Situation of Persons with Disabilities, and... the Absence of Regions?
(Delia Ferri/Essay)
(Delia Ferri/Essay)
... Regions (despite their important powers in the disability domain). This essay aims to investigate the most intriguing aspects of current disability policy making, without neglecting empirical insights ...
... of the sub-national entities. This articles aims to investigate the most important features and contradictions of the Argentinean federalism ...
The need for sub-national constitutions in federal theory and practice. The Belgian case
(Patricia Popelier/Essay)
(Patricia Popelier/Essay)
... of this paper explores the validity of this approach. More generally, the question is: how important is it in a federal state for sub-states to have their own sub-national constitutions? Arguments pro ...
A First Important Experience in Participatory Democracy in Italy: Region of Tuscany Law No. 69 of 27 December 2007
(Cecilia Corsi/Essay)
(Cecilia Corsi/Essay)
... an important driving force: it will suffice to consider that half of the participatory processes completed in these years in Italy took place in Tuscany pursuant to this law; much, however, must still ...
European cooperation in counter-terrorism and the case of individual sanctions
(Giulia Gargantini/Essay)
(Giulia Gargantini/Essay)
... main features of the European counter-terrorism policy together with the most important achievements attained in this field. Attention is then focused on the combat against terrorist financing; in particular ...
Speaking in Name of the Constituent Power: the Spanish Constitutional Court and the New Catalan Estatut
(Giacomo Delledonne/Note)
(Giacomo Delledonne/Note)
In June 2010 the Spanish Constitutional Court rendered a very important judgment on the constitutional legitimacy of the new fundamental charter (Estatut) of the Autonomous Community of Catalonia. Faced ...
Cooperation or Silent Rivalry? The EU and the USA in the Mediterranean – The Case of Egypt
(Wolfgang Zank/Essay)
(Wolfgang Zank/Essay)
... policy on many fields. The EU has become the “reform anchor” and most important cooperation partner for Egypt. The progress towards increasing Egypt’s “Stake in the Internal Market” places cooperation ...
... of fiscal federalism and examines the consequences. The Article analyses the most important principles and directive criteria contained in the law, tackles certain problematical aspects and highlights ...
... we can in fact conceive the absence of a strong legal status for the Regions as one of the most important “constitutional wounds” of the EU. ...