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... of the relationship between federal judicial power and state judicial power influence the defence of fundamental rights? Can the organisation of judicial federalism in the United States be seen as neutral ...
... and restricted the EU’s ideational influence on the partner organization. Moreover, this process has induced the EU to adjust its policy towards ASEAN and to rethink the role of European norms in its relations ...
COSAC has played an active role in fostering and developing interparliamentary cooperation since it has proven to be an effective model that has helped shape a supranational layer of influence for NPs. ...
... and its impact on parliaments’ relationship with the democratic oversight rationale, have exercised a major influence on the aims and scope of inter-parliamentary cooperation. On the other hand, from the ...
... of territorial control can determine the degree of ethno-territorial sovereignty attributed to groups. However, in competitive contexts influenced by fear and mistrust, groups interpret these pillar elements ...
... or conservative influence on public policy performance. Instead, this article suggests that the clear functional responsibility between the federal government and state and local governments have characterized ...
... is a federalising influence on the EU.  ...
... of Canada has exerted considerable influence on other countries, particularly since the coming into force of its Constitution Act, 1982, which included the celebrated Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. ...
... its influence on the treatment of secessionist claims that the country is currently experiencing. ...
... ‘history, evolution, influence and reform’ of constitutional law in a comprehensive doctrine. The doctrine's comparative influence will be analysed in particular: the Living tree is especially relevant, ...
... even between countries which were historically influenced by the same constitutional and democratic traditions, but, as a result of a multitude of historical and cultural influences, decided to follow ...
... instead on three case studies, to show examples of the way in which the constraints influenced policy-making without mining the ability of government to adopt unbalanced budgetary policies. The weaknesses ...
... to be influenced by, the UK-wide constitutional conversation at Westminster. It presents Scottish nationalist constitutional thought as a ‘very British radicalism’, which is characterised by certain constitutional ...
This contribution deals with the role of the European Council in the institutional framework of the European Union, as it has been laid down by the Lisbon Treaty. It focuses on its rising influence, even ...
... phases – were driven from the centre. The process of establishing local government was influenced by the political exigencies the ruling party faced at particular times and the choices it made in reaction ...
... its own instruments of a participative democracy, allowing citizens to influence decision-making processes. In this paper, the main aspects of this experience will be analysed ...
... by the Constitutional Court. Influenced by the reluctance with which constituents viewed the mechanisms of direct democracy, they still have a reductive view of the referendum. The State therefore reserves ...
... developed by citizens, individually and especially through representatives of social formations, in order to influence the actions of public authorities. The mechanisms that citizens have at their disposal ...
... life. At the beginning of the Nineties, the Public Administration proceedings were amended and some instruments of citizens’ participation were introduced. These changes influenced the future discipline ...
... in the field of consular and diplomatic protection of citizens abroad and how this change influences the role of the Member States in a traditional State-like activity ...
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