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... therein have been further explored in two recent cases, issued by the Italian Constitutional), and by the Spanish Constitutional Tribunal in the latest decision of the Catalonia saga (Judgment no. 114 ...
2. A New Start for Perspectives on Federalism
(Roberto Castaldi - Giuseppe Martinico/Editorial)
... and philosophical contributions. In spite of the evident diversities of these articles, we can identify three main connecting themes: latest developments in EU law, history of thought and European integration, ...
... by the end of 2016 at the latest, a review of the functioning of the MFF. The review will be accompanied by a legislative proposal for the revision of the MFF 2014-2020. This revision could provide an ...
Giacomo Delledonne, Giuseppe Martinico and Patricia Popelier have edited a symposium collecting some of the papers presented at the latest IACL World Congress in Oslo. The symposium tries to develop a ...
5. Re-exploring subnational constitutionalism
(G. Delledonne - G. Martinico - P. Popelier/Essay)
This special issue of the journal, which collects some of the papers presented at the latest World Congress of the International Association of Constitutional Law in Oslo, is entirely devoted to subnational ...
6. Crisis, emergency and subnational constitutionalism in the Italian context
(Giuseppe Martinico - Leonardo Pierdominici/Essay)
... state model we shall limit ourselves to some reflections on the situation of emergency created by the crisis by showing the incremental and sometimes non-linear nature of the latest developments in the ...
... crucial points of Dicey’s reasoning and then attempts to verify what the devolution process has entailed for the referendum within the United Kingdom’s constitutional framework, up to the latest devel ...
... experiences? My idea is that the latest attempts at amending the EU treaties – the period of the “Conventions”  – can be traced back to the genus of mega-constitutional politics and starting from this ...
  In the latest years, the Spanish constitutional system has been characterized by a proliferation of sub-national fundamental charters (“Estatutos de las Comunidades Autónomas”, hereinafter CAs): in fact, ...
10. Articles
(Nocomment/no comment)
The following are the latest essays, review articles and notes published on Perspectives on Federalism, which will be collected in next issue. You can download also previous issues from the archive.  ...
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