The Secession Issue and Territorial Autonomy in Spain: Bicameralism Revisited
(Alberto López-Basaguren/Essay)
(Alberto López-Basaguren/Essay)
... second thought’, subordinated to the lower House, whose will prevails in the event of discrepancy. It lacks specific powers with regard to territorial autonomy; in spite of this, there has been an attempt ...
Bicameralism in Belgium: the dismantlement of the Senate for the sake of multinational confederalism
(Patricia Popelier/Essay)
(Patricia Popelier/Essay)
Belgium was established in 1830 as a unitary state with a bicameral parliament, with symmetrical powers for the upper and the lower house. While federalism and bicameralism are often considered a pair, ...
Franchises Lost and Gained: Post-Coloniality and the Development of Women’s Rights in Canada
(Charlotte Helen Skeet/Essay)
(Charlotte Helen Skeet/Essay)
... takes an alternative perspective. Instead, it examines the exercise of earlier franchises in pre-confederation Canada. In particular it analyses why franchise was exercised more widely in Lower Canada ...
Austerity on the loose in Portugal: European judicial restraint in times of crisis
(Francisco Pereira Coutinho/Essay)
(Francisco Pereira Coutinho/Essay)
... references submitted by Portuguese lower courts that questioned the compatibility with the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU of national budgetary measures that implemented the MoU. At the bottom, ...
The Importance of Consistent Interpretation in Subnational Constitutional Contexts: Old Wine in New Bottles?
(Giuseppe Martinico/Essay)
(Giuseppe Martinico/Essay)
... to fully fledged federal states) especially looking at the lower courts. This paper is structured as follows: first, I am going to recall the debate on the consequences- in terms of legal uncertainty- ...
The article looks at federalism as applied in Africa in the dual sense of a devolution of power from what would otherwise be unitary and centralised states to lower levels of governance and a transferral ...