The Directive on the Fight against Fraud to the Union’s Financial Interests and its Transposition into the Spanish Law
(Demelsa Benito Sánchez/Essay)
(Demelsa Benito Sánchez/Essay)
... concludes that the Spanish criminal law fulfils, generally speaking, the mandate of the PIF Directive. ...
A New Form of Democratic Oversight in the EU: The Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group for Europol
(Ian Cooper/Essay)
(Ian Cooper/Essay)
... policy and economic governance. While there are many similarities, the JPSG differs from these others in that it has an explicit mandate to scrutinize, and the target of its scrutiny is a specific EU agency ...
The impossible constitutional reconciliation of the BVerfG and the ECJ in the OMT case. A legal analysis of the first preliminary referral of the BVerfG
(Francesco Pennesi/Note)
(Francesco Pennesi/Note)
... that the German judges have a different constitutional interpretation of the monetary mandate of the ECB. This article will focus on the different conceptions of European Monetary Union and in particular ...
Operation Atalanta and the Protection of EU Citizens: Civis Europaeus Unheeded?
(Joris Larik/Essay)
(Joris Larik/Essay)
... mandate, which creates tension and confusion between the general objective and the CSDP instrument. The paper concludes that the mandate of Atalanta, by focussing entirely on universal objectives, ...