Tags: [Secession, EU accession, EU Membership, multilevel governance, independence, Cédric, Lombaerts, Perspectives on Federalism] ...
Secession in a EU context analysed from a multilevel governance unravels that there is in fact room EU interference in secessionist conflicts. Nevertheless, a balance should be struck between such commitment ...
A New Form of Democratic Oversight in the EU: The Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group for Europol
(Ian Cooper/Essay)
(Ian Cooper/Essay)
... rather than a whole policy field. The JPSG is also distinctive in a number of key respects, including a stronger legal basis, more restrictive membership and participation rules, greater continuity of ...
Margins of Nationality. External ethnic citizenship and non-discrimination
(Kriszta Kovács, Zsolt Körtvélyesi, and Alíz Nagy/Essay)
(Kriszta Kovács, Zsolt Körtvélyesi, and Alíz Nagy/Essay)
... the rules of both birthright and acquired political membership. Most states employ some form of cultural affinity-based criteria relating to ethnic identity that differentiate between applicants that seek ...
... been unimaginable only a decade ago. Yet, the average European citizen is still hardly aware of their existence. Some reforms or political actions – such as recognizing individual membership, or sponsoring ...