Tags: [Climate Change, Climate Change mitigation, AFOLU sector, International Climate Treaties, International Climate Legal Regime, Roberto, Talenti, Perspectives on Federalism] ...
... of the major sources of pollution worldwide, has usually been disregarded when it came to take climate change mitigation action. Therefore, this research has decided to focus on the international regulation ...
Sustainable Agri-Food Systems, Climate Change and CAP Strategic Plans in the ambitious pathways of the EU after the Green Deal
(Andrea Saba/Essay)
(Andrea Saba/Essay)
... (CAP) 2021-2027 is intended to play a key supporting role for climate change mitigation and adaptation of agriculture as well as environmental protection. The paper considers how the recent communications ...
Thinking ahead of disasters. The role of risk regulation in the European Union
(Marta Simoncini/Essay)
(Marta Simoncini/Essay)
... what disaster risk mitigation should do is to facilitate the process of adaptation under stress by anticipating impact scenarios and the instruments of protection. This article examines the European Union’s ...