... intergovernmental agreements have been translated into law. Unlike the Quebec case, immigration’s devolution in relation to the other Provinces has occurred through administrative delegation of powers ...
Constitutional bases in the federal conflict over access to health care of undocumented immigrants in Spain
(Irene Sobrino Guijarro/Essay)
(Irene Sobrino Guijarro/Essay)
In Spain, over the last thirty years, the powers of “Autonomous Communities” to guarantee welfare and social rights have witnessed exponential proliferation. Such expansion has occurred within the wider ...
The politicization of the European elections and its potential effects on the EU
(Roberto Castaldi/Editorial)
(Roberto Castaldi/Editorial)
A first attempt at politicizing the European elections occurred in 2014. Its main pillar was the selection and indication of party candidates to the post of Commission president by the main European political ...
Instruments of participation at regional level: an introduction to the Italian framework in new ordinary statutes
(Anna Mastromarino/Essay)
(Anna Mastromarino/Essay)
... aspects have emerged, a progressive shift in perspective has occurred compared to previous versions of the statutes. Participation is now the leit motif that characterises the relation between individuals ...
The new “Estatutos de autonomía” in Spain: a brief overview of the literature
(Giuseppe Martinico/Review article)
(Giuseppe Martinico/Review article)
... many CAs are currently exploring the possibility to amend their basic charters. This short review article aims at providing a brief overview of the recent developments in this field occurred in Spain ...