... extent a German subnational constitutional court affects the scope of maneuvering of subnational parliaments and has thus developed a tendency towards judicial activism. I determine the degree of judicial ...
A New Form of Democratic Oversight in the EU: The Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group for Europol
(Ian Cooper/Essay)
(Ian Cooper/Essay)
In 2017, a new Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group (JPSG) was created to enable members of the national parliaments of the EU and the European Parliament to exercise joint oversight of the EU agency for ...
From procedural disagreement to joint scrutiny? The Interparliamentary Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance
(Valentin Kreilinger/Essay)
(Valentin Kreilinger/Essay)
The provision of Article 13 TSCG to create an Interparliamentary Conference was the starting point for long discussions after which national parliaments and the European Parliament eventually reached a ...
A ‘second youth’ for the EU Speakers’ Conference? A critical appraisal of its ‘quasi-constitutional’ role
(Cristina Fasone/Essay)
(Cristina Fasone/Essay)
... of the constitutional constraints surrounding the positions of the Speakers and Presidents of the European and Member States’ (MS) Parliaments, with a considerable variety in terms of powers and decision-making ...
Inter-parliamentary Cooperation in the EU and outside the Union: Distinctive Features and Limits of the European Experience
(Elena Griglio and Nicola Lupo/Essay)
(Elena Griglio and Nicola Lupo/Essay)
... and its impact on parliaments’ relationship with the democratic oversight rationale, have exercised a major influence on the aims and scope of inter-parliamentary cooperation. On the other hand, from the ...
Inter-parliamentary cooperation as a means for reinforcing joint scrutiny in the EU: upgrading existing mechanisms and creating new ones
(Elena Griglio and Stelios Stavridis/Editorial)
(Elena Griglio and Stelios Stavridis/Editorial)
... contribute to joint parliamentary scrutiny by involving both the EP and the national parliaments of EU member states. ...
... Austria. In this issue, the developments of European bicameral parliaments in (quasi-)federal states are dealt with as well as the political impact of shared rule and alternative models to second chambers. ...
Unicameralism, Bicameralism, Multicameralism: Evolution and Trends in Europe
(Paolo Passaglia/Essay)
(Paolo Passaglia/Essay)
An analysis of the structure of parliaments in European countries shows that a wide range of options developed across the centuries. However, many of these patterns (among which tetracameralism, tricameralism, ...
... of these two components to the activity of parliaments, these analyses are incomplete. The functions and competences of a given second chamber depend on the way it represents pluralism: the weight that ...
Reflections on the ‘Administrative, Not Constitutional’ Character of EU Law in Times of Crisis
(Peter L. Lindseth/Essay)
(Peter L. Lindseth/Essay)
... of EU rulemaking, enforcement, and adjudication comes closer to the sort of administrative legitimacy that is mediated through national executives, national courts, and national parliaments to a much greater ...
National parliaments fighting back? Institutional engineering as a successful means to become active actors in EU affairs
(Diane Fromage/Essay)
(Diane Fromage/Essay)
The European integration process has long been characterised by the predominance of national executive powers. National parliaments were recognised as European actors after several decades only, in the ...
National parliaments and governmental accountability in the crisis: theory and practice
(Diane Fromage/Essay)
(Diane Fromage/Essay)
This contribution studies the question of governmental accountability in the crisis. It looks at how three Member State’s parliaments – French, German and Spanish– have exchanged on European Council meetings ...
Eurozone, non-Eurozone and “troubled asymmetries” among national parliaments in the EU. Why and to what extent this is of concern
(Cristina Fasone/Essay)
(Cristina Fasone/Essay)
... article deals with the asymmetries amongst the national parliaments arisen in this context. National procedures adopted to deal with the new legal measures reinforce some parliaments while they severely ...
Early warning and regional parliaments: in search of a new model. Suggestions from the Basque experience
(Josu Osés Abando/Essay)
(Josu Osés Abando/Essay)
The balance sheet of having had the early warning procedure for two years shows that the active role developed by some regional parliaments, like the Basque Parliament, has reached a point of lack of efficacy ...
The scrutiny of the principle of subsidiarity by autonomous regional parliaments with particular reference to the participation of the Parliament of Catalonia in the early warning system
(Esther Martín Núñez/Essay)
(Esther Martín Núñez/Essay)
The purpose of this article is to offer a practical approach to the new European dimension for regional parliaments signified by the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon. The parliamentary scrutiny ...
The European Union affects not only the competences of the Governments and Parliaments, but also of all public authorities, in particular the powers of sub-state entities of compound states, who saw how ...
National and Regional Parliaments in the EU decision-making process, after the Treaty of Lisbon and the Euro-crisis
(Nicola Lupo/Essay)
(Nicola Lupo/Essay)
The Treaty of Lisbon increased the role of National and Regional Parliaments in the EU decision-making process, in order to compensate for some of the weaknesses of the European institutional architecture. ...
... to take part in the legislature are usually citizens’ initiatives that are presented to the parliaments. However, this article is concerned about other forms of participation in the development of bills ...
The Role and Power of the European and the National Parliaments in the Dynamics of Integration
(Paola Bilancia/Essay)
(Paola Bilancia/Essay)
This essay aims at giving an overview on the role of the European and national Parliaments in the dynamics of integration. After resuming the main issues that such a subject present, the author analyses ...