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... between the Kurdistan and the Iraqi central government. This issue is highlighted by the unsolved status of Kirkuk and the impossibility to address the constitutional shortcomings through constitutional ...
... popular legislative initiative (PLI) model (the final decision of Parliament and with no possibility of referendum) compared to other decentralised countries, where referenda may be held either on legislation ...
... and principles, rights, institutions, competences over popular consultations and participation in the amendment process. By ruling out the possibility of autonomous communities holding referendums without ...
... Human Rights, the possibility to bypass the limits of the European Convention’s direct effect through the application of the Charter’s equivalent rights ...
... constitutional nature of the EU rather than proof of the impossibility of transplanting the constitutional discourse to the EU level. This point can be challenged both from a theoretical point of view ...
6. A World Currency for a World New Deal
(Antonio Mosconi/Essay)
... more granted by the US. This opens up the possibility of cooperation among vast regional areas to establish a new world order, through the reform of the Bretton Woods institutions, the progressive institutionalization ...
... many CAs are currently exploring the possibility to amend their basic charters. This short review article aims at providing a brief overview of the recent developments in this field occurred in Spain ...
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