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... avenues for further research. Future research should enhance our understanding of whether, how, in which direction and under what conditions current (dis)integration processes occurring at different ...
The processes of deepening economic integration and regional development contribute to the intensification of inter-regional disparities. The EU’s efforts to achieve cohesion are intended to contribute ...
... in the Länder. The analysis also shows that the public arguments brought forward in favour of constitutional amendments refer only weakly and randomly to legal provisions and processes at other levels. ...
... 23 decision-making processes in German Länder and try to find out how far their outcome has been determined by multilevel and / or sub-national factors. Notably, I will refer to three policy areas in which ...
... processes governing the transfer of powers from the central level and the consolidation of the political autonomy of “Autonomous Communities.” For instance, the vast majority of legislative powers in the ...
... the standards established in the federal constitution on how electoral processes have to be organized at state level; and c) Decisions of the Supreme Court enforcing the standards established in the federal ...
... of the institutional opportunities that the Union composite constitutional order provides for the participation of the regional tier in its decision-making processes. The present paper examines how the ...
... on policy domains and the quality of the decision-making processes. Researching the stability of the participation tools or whether local democracy prefers more “ad hoc” processes allows us to analyze ...
... its own instruments of a participative democracy, allowing citizens to influence decision-making processes. In this paper, the main aspects of this experience will be analysed ...
... regional and local policies.” The law regulates two principal typologies of participatory processes, namely: 1) public debate; 2) the Region’s support for such processes. In order to guide and manage these ...
This essay proposes that the emergence and failure of the debate on the EU constitutional reform depends, amongst other things, on the rise of what it calls ‘publicity’ as public policy and governance ...
... fast form of integration, but it is – in its new version - able to analyze and explain the ‘organic’ or slow integration processes like those happening in Europe, and other places in the world. Thus the ...
... disciplines. Therefore we believe there is room for a new interdisciplinary journal to consider federalism – federal institutional arrangements as well as potentially federalising processes - at all levels ...
... disciplines. Therefore we believe there is room for a new interdisciplinary journal to consider federalism – federal institutional arrangements as well as potentially federalising processes - at all levels ...
15. Editorial Board
(Nocomment/no comment)
... of Political Philosophy Director of the Research Centre on Multi-Level Integration and Governance Processes at eCampus University Research Director of International Centre for European and global governance ...
16. Policy
(Nocomment/no comment)
... Italy.    DATA PROCESSING VENUE  The processes related to the web services of this website take place at the Centre for Studies on Federalism and are carried out exclusively by the technical personnel ...
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