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... Commission, as the European institution that has the right of legislative initiative, to present a legislative proposal for the adoption of an extraordinary European public investment plan and to create ...
... Spanish Parliament], the function of receiving the proposals for legislative acts by the EU and transferring them to the regional parliaments in order for the latter to issue, in a brief period of four ...
... I analyse the principal conflictive topics as well as the negotiation positions and proposals of the main actors in order to present the current state of the negotiation of the MFF 2014–20. I will specifically ...
The mechanisms of citizen participation in lawmaking can be considered as mechanisms of participatory democracy. These institutions enable citizens to submit proposals or opinions in the process of decision-making ...
25. Towards a European Federal Fiscal Union
(Alberto Majocchi/Essay)
... directly by the citizens to the European budget. A new resource could also be assured with the approval of the proposal recently put forward by the European Commission in a Draft Directive to introduce ...
26. A World Currency for a World New Deal
(Antonio Mosconi/Essay)
... towards the creation of a world currency, as it happened in the EU. The Chinese Central Bank Governor proposal to modify the IMF SDR (Special Drawing Rights) composition and to use them to that purpose ...
This note deals with the Chinese proposal for a new international monetary architecture. The Chinese proposal was the last of a series which suddenly appeared on the international diplomatic scene last ...
28. Editorial Board
(Nocomment/no comment)
... process (article proposal, peer review phase, author revision, linguistic revision, author final revision) is managed by the editorial coordinator.    Editors Roberto Castaldi Associate Professor ...
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