... and restraint in respect of Member State autonomy. Through creative and pragmatic conflict-resolution the EU can and should conjure the political courage to find the limits of potential commitment. ...
The Secession Issue and Territorial Autonomy in Spain: Bicameralism Revisited
(Alberto López-Basaguren/Essay)
(Alberto López-Basaguren/Essay)
... by the authorities of the resolutions of the Constitutional Court (CC), which concluded with the Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) by Parliament at the same time as the adoption of the measures ...
History of a (Limited) Success: Five Points on the Representativeness of the Committee of the Regions
(Giuseppe Martinico/Essay)
(Giuseppe Martinico/Essay)
... application of the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality. This will be done by looking at a recent resolution of the CoR on a proposal made by the EU Commission to amend Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013. ...
The Single Market and Synchronized Mechanisms for the Exercise of Administrative Functions: Converging Pathways or New Pathways for Integration? The Case of the European Banking Union
(Fabio Giglioni/Essay)
(Fabio Giglioni/Essay)
... through which the functions of supervision and resolution are affecting the single financial market. This case study is very interesting because these functions represent a genuine novelty in the history ...
... to the constitution privilege bargaining and intertwined policy-making as modes of conflict resolution and thus support grand coalitions. In this paper I will explore whether this theory can explain constitutional ...
Clarifying Limbo: Disentangling Indigenous Autonomy from the Mexican Constitutional Order
(Ian Flannigan Sprague/Essay)
(Ian Flannigan Sprague/Essay)
... a comprehensive legislative or diplomatic resolution of the lack of clarity surrounding the political and territorial autonomy of its indigenous groups. ...
Movement towards a Flemish Constitution: the Charter for Flanders, another failed attempt?
(Sarah Lambrecht/Essay)
(Sarah Lambrecht/Essay)
... Since Flanders only has embryonic constitution-making power, this is not a proposal for a Constitution but merely a proposal for a resolution. As a (non-binding) resolution, the Charter has no legal implications, ...
Security Council Resolutions before European Courts: The Elusive Virtue of Non Direct Effect
(Andrea Guazzarotti/Essay)
(Andrea Guazzarotti/Essay)
UN Security Council resolutions lack direct effect, as they are not intended to oblige States in terms of means but just of results. This statement by the ECJ in the Kadi judgment has recently been used ...
And nothing else matters. The ICJ’s judicial restraint in its Opinion on Kosovo’s Independence
(Giuseppe Bianco/Note)
(Giuseppe Bianco/Note)
... in general international law, including state practice, the principle of territorial integrity, Security Council resolutions, the principle of self-determination and the right to remedial secession. Neither ...