Fiscal Federalism Policy in Somalia: Emerging Challenges and Agenda for Reform
(Najibullah Nor Isak and Ali Yassin Sheikh Ali/Essay)
(Najibullah Nor Isak and Ali Yassin Sheikh Ali/Essay)
... expenditure assignments, tax-raising power, transfer policy, natural-resources management, and revenue-sharing mechanisms. ...
The Iraqi Federation and the Kurdistan Regional Government: the conflict between communal and oil and gas policies
(Adriano Dirri/Essay)
(Adriano Dirri/Essay)
... and gas revenue sharing. In addition, other disputes originated over the relationship between the Kurdistan Region and the central government, like the status of Kirkuk, which is strictly connected to ...
Devolution and Peacebuilding in Kenya, fact or illusion? The case of Marsabit County
(Ibrahim Harun/Essay)
(Ibrahim Harun/Essay)
Devolution and the associated mechanisms of governance, such as power-sharing, limited government, a reformed system of public administration and civic engagement, and its features that include the protection ...
Federalism in post-conflict states: Assessing Somalia's challenges and the way forward
(A.Y.S. Ali, A.H. Dahir and Z.D. Hersi/Essay)
(A.Y.S. Ali, A.H. Dahir and Z.D. Hersi/Essay)
... online survey using social media. A total of 1,073 respondents nationwide participated in this study. The major variables studied were: perceptions of federalism adoption; legislative power sharing; executive ...
Inter-parliamentary cooperation as a means for reinforcing joint scrutiny in the EU: upgrading existing mechanisms and creating new ones
(Elena Griglio and Stelios Stavridis/Editorial)
(Elena Griglio and Stelios Stavridis/Editorial)
... process. Its objective is to show, beyond the mere sharing of information and the comparison of best practices at a supranational and transnational level, whether existing inter-parliamentary practices ...
Shared Rule vs Self-Rule? Bicameralism, Power-Sharing and the 'Joint Decision Trap'
(Arthur Benz/Essay)
(Arthur Benz/Essay)
In federal and regionalised states, bicameralism constitutes shared rule between levels of governments. At the same time, second chambers serve as a safeguard protecting self-rule of decentralised governments ...
The role of the Capital Markets Union: towards regulatory harmonisation and supervisory convergence
(Sérgio Coimbra Henriques/Essay)
(Sérgio Coimbra Henriques/Essay)
... governance and economic policies. Nonetheless, even if the CMU is one of the few cross-country risk-sharing mechanisms available to the EU, its implementation faces difficulties (as well as the looming ...
Sub-national Constitutionalism in Austria: a Historical Institutionalist Perspective
(Ferdinand Karlhofer/Essay)
(Ferdinand Karlhofer/Essay)
... Austria has rather weak structures with regard to power-sharing. No wonder, given the structural bias between central state and substates, informal forces are at work in order to make up for the shortcomings ...
The ‘enemy’ at the gates? Assessing the European military contribution to the Libyan war
(Fabrizio Coticchia/Essay)
(Fabrizio Coticchia/Essay)
According to the ‘Defense Strategic Guidance’ (2012), the growing military capabilities of US allies will create new opportunities for sharing responsibilities in world affairs. The US strategic document ...