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... to understandings of the provision by reviewing its main features and contextualising its deployment in the general Polish rule of law crisis, with the aim of evaluating whether it can now be considered ...
This special issue develops a contextual analysis of EU inter-parliamentary cooperation in the post Lisbon Treaty framework. Indeed, it is possible to claim that there are several sources and causes for ...
This paper starts with a general contextualisation of how Canadian constitutional law acquired an important role in global constitutional conversations in recent decades. It then considers, in particular, ...
... I apply a new empirical tool to the research question at hand by using Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA). Qualitative – or Configurational – Comparative Analysis is supposed to better contextualize ...
... Charter for Flanders. Hopefully, this reactivation will at least be accompanied with intense parliamentary debates and textual clarifications. Especially, since the drafters consider the Charter a stepping-stone ...
6. Towards a European Federal Fiscal Union
(Alberto Majocchi/Essay)
... be accompanied by a contextual decision fixing the date for the start of a fully fledged completed European Federation since one fundamental principle of democracy is “No Taxation without Representati ...
7. Accessibility
(Nocomment/no comment)
... menu that allows users to know their position on the website structure and the title of the page they are visiting. The structure is hyper textual and, with a simple click on the text of the navigation ...
8. Cookie Policy
('Uncategorised Content')
... Google may use the Data collected to contextualize and personalize the ads of its own advertising network. This integration of Google Analytics anonymizes your IP address. It works by shortening Users' ...
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