Self-rule vs. Shared Rule: The Design and Evolution of Federal Institutions in Colombia
(Kent Eaton/Essay)
(Kent Eaton/Essay)
... two hybrid configurations generates two distinct but related theoretical puzzles. First, why did the 1991 constitution simultaneously empower Colombia’s constituent units with self-rule only to disempower ...
... the competencies and the composition of the court. The project thus combines attitudinal/behaviorist and institutional-theoretical approaches to provide answers to the research question at hand. To provide ...
... categorised into six phases: the first phase covers the introductory part, the second phase covers the analysis of the cementing of theoretical base for decentralisation (1860-1871), the third phase ...
The commons: an innovative basis for transnational environmental law in the era of Anthropocene? The case of Latin America
(Domenico Giannino and Antonio Manzoni/Essay)
(Domenico Giannino and Antonio Manzoni/Essay)
The purpose of the present paper is to find a theoretical-legal basis for the recent innovative decisions by the Colombian Supreme Court of Justice and by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on ...
... constitutionalism. Its approach is mainly comparative and interdisciplinary. The symposium is divided into three sections: theoretical problems, national reports, and comparative analyses. The papers deal ...
Multilevel Systems and Sub-National Constitutional Politics in Germany: a Qualitative Comparative Analysis
(Werner Reutter/Essay)
(Werner Reutter/Essay)
... in the German Länder is still in its infancy. We have to refine our theoretical models and improve our empirical tools. Only then we will be able to better understand how the multilevel system, party politics, ...
Identity vs. representation: what makes ‘the people’? Rethinking democratic citizenship through (and beyond) Carl Schmitt and Hans Kelsen
(David Ragazzoni/Essay)
(David Ragazzoni/Essay)
... within our ‘glocal’ democracies and the theoretical challenges posed by the EU (especially about pivotal notions such as sovereignty, constituent power and peoplehood) questioned the traditional account ...
Constitutional Failure or Constitutional Odyssey? What Can We Learn From Comparative Law?
(Giuseppe Martinico/Review article)
(Giuseppe Martinico/Review article)
... constitutional nature of the EU rather than proof of the impossibility of transplanting the constitutional discourse to the EU level. This point can be challenged both from a theoretical point of view ...
Call for papers on methodological nationalism and cosmopolitanism in social sciences
... have been forerunners in criticizing the nationalist bias of their disciplines. Ulrich Beck provided a theoretical vision of this problem, developing the concept of methodological nationalism, which, unfortunately, ...
One Mountain with Two Tigers- China and the United States in East Asian Regionalism
(Li Xing /Essay)
(Li Xing /Essay)
... different periods and their dynamic nexus with the evolution of the regional integration process. The theoretical reflection of the paper posits that the neo-functionalism theory, which is largely generated ...
... of government. The very name Perspectives on Federalism stresses that the journal will consider federalism from different disciplinary, geographic and theoretical perspectives. ...
... of government. The very name Perspectives on Federalism stresses that the journal will consider federalism from different disciplinary, geographic and theoretical perspectives. ...