Can Asymmetrical Constitutional Arrangements Provide an Alternative Answer for the Disputed? Bringing Constitutional Asymmetries into Play in the Middle East Peace Process
(Maja Sahadžić /Essay)
(Maja Sahadžić /Essay)
... recent systems are multi-tiered and multinational, producing asymmetrical responses by default. In addition to suggesting that asymmetrical solutions are often required, this implies that some degree of ...
Article 260 TFEU Sanctions in Multi-Tiered Member States
(W. Vandenbruwaene, P. Popelier and C. Janssens/Essay)
(W. Vandenbruwaene, P. Popelier and C. Janssens/Essay)
... the central and regional governments involved. After analysing the composition of the financial sanctions, we cover the involvement of subnational entities in the infringements proceedings in six tiered ...
Italian Regions and Local Authorities within the framework of a new Autonomist System
(Gloria Marchetti/Essay)
(Gloria Marchetti/Essay)
... mechanisms between Regions and Local Authorities. This is aimed at ensuring a certain degree of uniformity at regional level in a multi-tiered system that has to reconcile the requirements of differentiation ...