The Directive on the Fight against Fraud to the Union’s Financial Interests and its Transposition into the Spanish Law
(Demelsa Benito Sánchez/Essay)
(Demelsa Benito Sánchez/Essay)
This paper aims at analysing the content of the PIF Directive and assessing its transposition into the Spanish Law. To achieve these objectives, this paper starts with a detailed study of the criminal ...
Legislative initiative and popular participation in the 1948 Constitution and its transposition in the first generation
(Anna Maria Poggi/Essay)
(Anna Maria Poggi/Essay)
The instruments of people’s participation found in the “first generation” Statutes (1971) were initially perceived as a further possible link between politics and civil society, in line with the overall ...
European cooperation in counter-terrorism and the case of individual sanctions
(Giulia Gargantini/Essay)
(Giulia Gargantini/Essay)
... on the implementation within the European Union of the regime of targeted financial sanctions adopted by the United Nations Security Council. The transposition of these measures within the EU uncovered ...