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Total: 6 results found.
Tags: [Political Culture, Federalism, Restructuring, Diversity, Adedeji, Perspectives on Federalism]  ...
The practice of federalism in Nigeria had undergone different stages of structuring to resolve salient political issues. However, despite each change to the structure, the clamour for further change has ...
This special issue is the result of a long project started within the activity of one of the working groups created at the Centre for Studies on Federalism, Turin, almost three years ago, namely the working ...
4. Editorial Board
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... of Turin; Fellow at Collegio Carlo Alberto, Torino Olimpia Fontana Mario Albertini Fellow (European Political Economy, Sustainable Economy), Centro Studi sul Federalismo, Torino Fabio Masini Associate ...
5. About the journal
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Perspectives on Federalism   Edited by the Centre for Studies on Federalism   Perspectives on Federalism is an Open Access peer-reviewed journal, promoted by the Centre for Studies on Federalism. This ...
6. Paola Bilancia
Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Milan Member of the Board of Directors of the Centre for Studies on Federalism, Turin Member of the Scientific Committee of Perspectives on Federalism  ...
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