... regard. First, does the structure of the judicial institutions also follow the vertical division of powers between the central and subnational governments? Secondly, given the non-centrist or centrist ...
Federalism in post-conflict states: Assessing Somalia's challenges and the way forward
(A.Y.S. Ali, A.H. Dahir and Z.D. Hersi/Essay)
(A.Y.S. Ali, A.H. Dahir and Z.D. Hersi/Essay)
... the most challenging factors to federalism adoption in Somalia. Other challenges relate to the provisional Somali constitution, such as power distribution, fiscal management, regional boundary disputes, ...
For a long time considered, improperly, a sort of ‘nuclear’ option, Article 7 TEU is the key EU Treaty provision in the field of values enforcement. In the context of the Union’s current rule of law crisis, ...
From procedural disagreement to joint scrutiny? The Interparliamentary Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance
(Valentin Kreilinger/Essay)
(Valentin Kreilinger/Essay)
The provision of Article 13 TSCG to create an Interparliamentary Conference was the starting point for long discussions after which national parliaments and the European Parliament eventually reached a ...
A ‘second youth’ for the EU Speakers’ Conference? A critical appraisal of its ‘quasi-constitutional’ role
(Cristina Fasone/Essay)
(Cristina Fasone/Essay)
... also in its function of joint parliamentary scrutiny in the EU, if it is aimed at enhancing the rational organisation of inter-parliamentary activities in terms of timing, agendas and ex-post supervision ...
The Secession Issue and Territorial Autonomy in Spain: Bicameralism Revisited
(Alberto López-Basaguren/Essay)
(Alberto López-Basaguren/Essay)
... apply measures of ’federal coercion'. This constitutional provision was first activated in October 2017, in the context of the secessionist process in Catalonia, as a result of the repeated non-compliance ...
The Spanish vision of Canada’s Clarity Act: from idealization to myth
(Francisco Javier Romero Caro/Essay)
(Francisco Javier Romero Caro/Essay)
Since it was passed, the Clarity Act has been at the core of any secessionist debate in Canada and abroad. Although contested at home, the Clarity Act has earned worldwide prestige as the democratic standard ...
Canadian Federalism in Design and Practice: The Mechanics of a Permanently Provisional Constitution
(James A. Gardner/Essay)
(James A. Gardner/Essay)
... may inadvertently undermine its capacity to stabilize itself at any particular point of constitutional evolution, making it ‘permanently provisional.’ ...
The Single Market and Synchronized Mechanisms for the Exercise of Administrative Functions: Converging Pathways or New Pathways for Integration? The Case of the European Banking Union
(Fabio Giglioni/Essay)
(Fabio Giglioni/Essay)
... through which the functions of supervision and resolution are affecting the single financial market. This case study is very interesting because these functions represent a genuine novelty in the history ...
The Establishment of Metropolitan Cities in Italy: An Advance or a Setback for Italian Regionalism?
(Giovanni Boggero/Essay)
(Giovanni Boggero/Essay)
... to set up metropolitan cities in Italy (1), it summarizes the main statutory provisions of the Delrio Law (No. 56/2014) through which metropolitan cities finally came into operation (2) and it provides ...
The Revision of the Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020. A Round-up of Key Issues at Stake
(Magdalena Sapała/Essay)
(Magdalena Sapała/Essay)
By the end of 2016 the European Commission is expected to present its mid-term review of the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2014-2020. The results of the review may open the way for a revision of ...
The Legitimacy of Discriminatory Disenfranchisement? The Impact of the Rules on the Right to Vote in the Bremain/Brexit Referendum
(Allan F. Tatham/Editorial)
(Allan F. Tatham/Editorial)
The Divisional Court of the Queen’s Bench Division of the England and Wales High Court handed down its decision on 20 April 2016 in the judicial review case of Shindler. This ruling confirmed that British ...
Another Brick in the Whole. The Case-Law of the Court of Justice on Free Movement and Its Possible Impact on European Criminal Law
(Leandro Mancano/Essay)
(Leandro Mancano/Essay)
... supranational and national provisions have frequently been handled by the CJEU. In the main, the intervention of the Court is triggered by Member States’ recourse to penal sanctions in situations covered ...
The emergence of New Economic Governance and its impact on Services of General Economic Interest
(Marta Legnaioli/Essay)
(Marta Legnaioli/Essay)
... of new economic governance have had an impact on the organization and provision of SGEIs and have affected the solidity of the national welfare state. It will be argued that in this context the promotion ...
Article 260 TFEU Sanctions in Multi-Tiered Member States
(W. Vandenbruwaene, P. Popelier and C. Janssens/Essay)
(W. Vandenbruwaene, P. Popelier and C. Janssens/Essay)
... Member States (Austria, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the UK) and the relevant national provisions for the partition of financial sanctions. The conclusions pertain to both the central and regional ...
... with the implications of jurisdiction and developments in EU patent regulations, the third part will deal with the effects of EU competence over the TRIPS patent provisions and the forth part will deal ...
Rights of Minors and Constitutional Politics in the German Länder. Legal Framework, Party Strategies, and Constitutional Amendments
(Astrid Lorenz/Essay)
(Astrid Lorenz/Essay)
... in the Länder. The analysis also shows that the public arguments brought forward in favour of constitutional amendments refer only weakly and randomly to legal provisions and processes at other levels. ...
... provisions) while at the same time retaining a persistent ‘Britishness’ in terms of specific institutional proposals and ambivalence towards the principles of constitutional government. Finally, I will ...
Reform options for the EU budget – First reflections on the new departure for a new EU budget
(Mario Kölling/Essay)
(Mario Kölling/Essay)
... by the end of 2016 at the latest, a review of the functioning of the MFF. The review will be accompanied by a legislative proposal for the revision of the MFF 2014-2020. This revision could provide an ...
The Never-Ending Reform of the EU: Another Link in the Chain of the Semi-Permanent Treaty Revision Process?
(Roberto Castaldi - Giuseppe Martinico/Essay)
(Roberto Castaldi - Giuseppe Martinico/Essay)
This special issue is the result of a long project started within the activity of one of the working groups created at the Centre for Studies on Federalism, Turin, almost three years ago, namely the working ...