From procedural disagreement to joint scrutiny? The Interparliamentary Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance
(Valentin Kreilinger/Essay)
(Valentin Kreilinger/Essay)
... models for interparliamentary cooperation, the article shows that the two models of EP-led scrutiny and creating a collective parliamentary counterweight did not prevail: Parliaments agreed that the new ...
... of these two components to the activity of parliaments, these analyses are incomplete. The functions and competences of a given second chamber depend on the way it represents pluralism: the weight that ...
The voting systems in the Council of the EU and the Bundesrat – What do they tell us about European Federalism?
(Jacek Czaputowicz and Marcin Kleinowski/Essay)
(Jacek Czaputowicz and Marcin Kleinowski/Essay)
The Treaty of Lisbon introduced a new system of weighted votes in the Council, which radically departs from the principles on which the distribution of votes between the Member States of the EU was based ...