This study examines the interplay between federalism and interborder conflict between the Tigrai and Amhara regions of Ethiopia. To this effect, secondary data, both qualitative and quantitative, were collected from the National Census Report, YouTube and official government letters. The qualitative data were analysed through thematic analysis, while the quantitative data were expressed in terms of percentages. Results indicate that ethnolinguistic federalism was not implemented based on concrete parameters, but mainly on language that the government used as a tool for interborder demarcation and historical ownership of territories that can serve as a sound parameter. This practice has led to interborder conflict, which has both historical and linguistic bases, between the Tigrai and Amhara regions. Thus, it is concluded that ethnolinguistic federalism could not be a panacea for ethnic conflict in Ethiopia, especially in the north. Both regions are working to expand their territories beyond their current statuses, and thus laying claims for pieces of lands from each other.>