The Challenge of Diversity in a Multinational Federation: The Impact of the Judiciary on Pluralism in Canada
(Frédéric Bérard and Jean-François Gaudreault-DesBi/Essay)
(Frédéric Bérard and Jean-François Gaudreault-DesBi/Essay)
Tags: [Canada, judicial federalism, pluralism, separation of powers, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Frédéric Bérard, Jean-François Gaudreault-DesBiens, Perspectives on Federalism, 2020] ...
Jurisdiction and Pluralisms: Judicial Functions and Organisation in Federal Systems
(Jens Woelk/Essay)
(Jens Woelk/Essay)
Tags: [Germany, federalism, rule of law, unity of the judiciary, judicial pluralism, Jens Woelk, Pespectives on Federalism, 2020] ...
It has been years now that the scientific community is warning about the gravity of climate change consequences and about the need to effectively respond to it. However, the climate crisis just seems to ...
This study examines the interplay between federalism and interborder conflict between the Tigrai and Amhara regions of Ethiopia. To this effect, secondary data, both qualitative and quantitative, were ...
European Taxes and Fiscal Justice: Citizens’ Support and Lessons from the US
(Tomasz P. Woźniakowski and Miguel Poiares Maduro/Essay)
(Tomasz P. Woźniakowski and Miguel Poiares Maduro/Essay)
By demonstrating the importance of the own source of EU revenue, rather than focusing solely on the size of its budget, we can understand that financing the EU is not a ‘zero-sum’ game. Therefore, we use ...
The future of the EU-ACP relations: possible scenarios after the end of the post-Cotonou negotiations
(Matteo Oreglia/Essay)
(Matteo Oreglia/Essay)
This article provides an analysis of the recent negotiations between the European Union (EU) and the representatives of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP) for the signature of a new ...
Immediately after the formation of the state of Kerala, general election was held to the Kerala State Legislative Assembly. In this election, the communists came to power in Kerala. This was the first ...
Self-rule vs. Shared Rule: The Design and Evolution of Federal Institutions in Colombia
(Kent Eaton/Essay)
(Kent Eaton/Essay)
In 1991, Colombia shifted from a territorial regime that combined shared rule with limited self-rule to the opposite configuration: extensive self-rule without shared rule. The radical shift between these ...
Eight states in Africa that have federal or federal-type government systems and most of these federations emerged in the post-Cold War period. The African federations are in various degrees characterised ...
Unlike most other federal states, the Belgian federation has kept the organisation of the judiciary as a federal competence. The reasons are historical, principled, practical as well as political. Meanwhile, ...
The Challenge of Diversity in a Multinational Federation: The Impact of the Judiciary on Pluralism in Canada
(Frédéric Bérard and Jean-François Gaudreault-DesBi/Essay)
(Frédéric Bérard and Jean-François Gaudreault-DesBi/Essay)
Political rhetoric aside, has Canada, 150 years after its foundation, achieved its goal of preserving pluralism? How is pluralism defined within the Canadian framework? What was the judiciary’s contribution ...
Jurisdiction and Pluralisms: Judicial Functions and Organisation in Federal Systems
(Jens Woelk/Essay)
(Jens Woelk/Essay)
The thematic focus of this issue of Perspectives on Federalism shall analyse phenomena of pluralism in the judiciary of federal systems: ‘Jurisdiction and Pluralisms: Judicial Functions and Organisation ...
Sustainable Agri-Food Systems, Climate Change and CAP Strategic Plans in the ambitious pathways of the EU after the Green Deal
(Andrea Saba/Essay)
(Andrea Saba/Essay)
... from the Commission of 20 May 2020 on the Farm to Fork Strategy strengthened further the efforts for building a fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly food system. The EU Common Agricultural Policy ...
The Revision of the Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020. A Round-up of Key Issues at Stake
(Magdalena Sapała/Essay)
(Magdalena Sapała/Essay)
By the end of 2016 the European Commission is expected to present its mid-term review of the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2014-2020. The results of the review may open the way for a revision of ...
Reform options for the EU budget – First reflections on the new departure for a new EU budget
(Mario Kölling/Essay)
(Mario Kölling/Essay)
There is a long standing debate on the reform of the EU budget. According to the final agreement on the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2014-2020 signed in December 2013, the Commission will present, ...
The Multiannual Financial Framework 2014–20 – Best European value for less money?
(Mario Kölling/Essay)
(Mario Kölling/Essay)
... of the multiannual financial framework 2014–20, there seems to be a common ground to work towards an EU Budget that contributes to growth and employment in line with the Europe 2020 strategy. If this common ...
... stronger Länder forced weaker Länder either to accept the new debt regime suggested primarily by the federal government, forcing Bund and Länder to uphold balanced budgets until 2020 or to be responsible ...