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... the status of judges; iii) participation of federated entities in issues related to the ‘self-government of judges’; iv) definition of a coherent system which allows jurisdictional disputes to be resolved. ...
In constitutional theory, the referendum is an instrument that allows for the expression of the popular will in government decisions and through which people are asked to vote directly on an issue or policy. ...
... The open wording of the norms and safeguard clauses in both directives allows room for their flexible application. The differentiated role between the Court of Justice, as the interpreter of European law, ...
... power and allows for sufficient judicial review. However, the Supreme Court has taken a more permissive approach than the Court of Justice in defining the limiting principle. The United States has loosened ...
... EU infringement proceeding, its impact on the Italian domestic legal order, the introduction of a right of recourse that allows the State to request damages to non-compliant Regions, its effectiveness ...
... of such solidarity through an analysis of two different forms of “federal” equalisation. Comparing the recently reformed Swiss fiscal equalisation system with the EU structural funds allows us to infer ...
... both federal systems (the United States and Germany) and regional or autonomic systems (Italy and Spain). The analysis of organs and procedures allows to draw some conclusions: the presence of a system ...
... on policy domains and the quality of the decision-making processes. Researching the stability of the participation tools or whether local democracy prefers more “ad hoc” processes allows us to analyze ...
9. Accessibility
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... menu that allows users to know their position on the website structure and the title of the page they are visiting. The structure is hyper textual and, with a simple click on the text of the navigation ...
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