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This article provides an analysis of the functions performed by constitutional identity in constitutional discourses of both the EU and its Member States, in the context of emerging post-Westphalian and ...
... the developments of EU law and the need to integrate it with recognition of the constitutional foundations of EU law.The analysis demonstrates this by focusing on a specific case study of institutional ...
... convergence” and on attempts to conceptualise these issues by means of the concept of “complex antinomy”. It will be argued that this analysis needs some refinement and the concept of “levels of disagreements” ...
... human rights protection systems give rise, by focusing on an analysis of the heterologous in vitro fertilization case, where both the Strasbourg Court and the Italian Constitutional Court delivered relevant ...
In Gauweiler v. ECB, the German Constitutional Court referred for the first time a case to the European Court of Justice. The BVerfG openly doubted the legality of the OMT program of the European Central ...
While most students of federalism feel satisfied with defining it as involving self-rule and shared rule, there is an inherent laxity in that definition because several institutional forms have dual components ...
... an analysis of its implementation, thereby attempting to make clear whether increased institutional pluralism and differentiation in the local government system will strengthen or weaken Italian regionalism ...
... Mario Monti, presenting the main obstacles to change and possible ways forward. This paper updates the author’s in-depth analysis How the EU budget is financed: The “own resources” system and the debate ...
This paper evaluates the impact of austerity measures on national social protection mechanisms and on the European Social Model. The study is based on an in-depth analysis of austerity measures adopted ...
... systems and enhanced constitutionalism. In the course of the analysis, this paper examines the dynamics and determinants of federalist/subnational politics in Pakistan, the formal constitutional and ordinance ...
... we should expect similar, almost identically shaped policies at the Länder level. However, the analysis brings considerable variations of constitutional activities in this field to the fore: time, frequency, ...
... The Commission seems to be well-fitted for that purpose and therefore it is at the core of my analysis and my reform proposals. After explaining the so called Commission’s paradox (decline but growing ...
... External Action Service, and therefore the most important testing ground for the newly created EU department. From this analysis it will emerge that, in spite of the attempt to review the European policy ...
... framework for comprehensive analysis of subnational constitutions and offers a number of elements for further reflection. ...
Considering their dynamic and asymmetric character, the Spanish and British territorial constitutions seem particularly suitable for a comparative analysis. As regards the framework for intergovernmental ...
... I apply a new empirical tool to the research question at hand by using Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA). Qualitative – or Configurational – Comparative Analysis is supposed to better contextualize ...
37. Subnational multilevel constitutionalism
(Patricia Popelier/Essay)
... systems are thus intertwined. (Quasi-)federal constitutional systems adopt different strategies, ranging from a centralist to a dualist approach. A comparative analysis, using indicators for measuring ...
... Councils). Although such Conferences have, over time, conquered a well-defined institutional position also in the stage consisting in the implementation of EU norms, the present analysis is centred on ...
... of such solidarity through an analysis of two different forms of “federal” equalisation. Comparing the recently reformed Swiss fiscal equalisation system with the EU structural funds allows us to infer ...
... an analysis of UN Monitoring Team reports will show how UN institutions also prefer a certain degree of fluidity in the relationship between Security Council resolutions and national and regional legal ...
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