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Tags: [federalism, self-rule, shared rule, decentralization, democratization, Colombia, perspectives on federalism, kent eaton]  ...
... – seems to have its current engine in Central Europe, namely in Hungary and Poland.  ...
... these two path breaking reforms made two most influential communities in Kerala against the government. The congress party made better use of the situation with the support of the Central government and ...
... level they could use to veto recentralization and defend their newfound self-rule. ...
5. The Judiciary in Federal Systems in Africa
(Nico Steytler & Zemelak Ayele/Essay)
... regard. First, does the structure of the judicial institutions also follow the vertical division of powers between the central and subnational governments? Secondly, given the non-centrist or centrist ...
... been associated with centralization and even authoritarian centralization. On the other side, a federal constitution based on the rule of law should guarantee its protection by the judiciary. The conflict ...
7. Fiscal Federalism Policy in Somalia: Emerging Challenges and Agenda for Reform
(Najibullah Nor Isak and Ali Yassin Sheikh Ali/Essay)
... issues among the federal government and member states. Two case studies of federalism are examined, showing how Nigeria and Ethiopia fared in the process of their fiscal decentralization, functions and ...
... and gas revenue sharing. In addition, other disputes originated over the relationship between the Kurdistan Region and the central government, like the status of Kirkuk, which is strictly connected to ...
... activism with a newly developed “strength index” that measures possible reverberations of decisions made by constitutional courts in the political realm. In this respect, the project addresses a central ...
... categorised into six phases: the first phase covers the introductory part, the second phase covers the analysis of the cementing of theoretical base for decentralisation (1860-1871), the third phase ...
... the natural environment – the so-called “environmental rights”. In the central part (Par. 2 and 3) we will illustrate and comment on the content of the judicial decisions by the Supreme Court of Colombia ...
... are still a reality, as a margin of discretion persists for Member States, aimed at maintaining a high level of decentralisation, particularly where issues related to national policies and more (nation) ...
... The central question addressed here is to assess whether COSAC is currently structured to allow NPs to obtain more information and access to the policy and decision-making circuits at EU level and, therefore, ...
... by the central government and means the structure of competences can be modified as necessary. In this study, we will consider how federations manage, to a greater or lesser extent, regional intervention ...
... the Belgian system shows an inverse relationship. The Senate gradually turned into a house representative of the sub-states, but its powers declined inversely proportional to the level of decentralisation ...
According to many legal and political scientists the Austrian Bundesrat is generally considered to be a paradigmatic example of a politically and legally weak second chamber embedded in a strongly centralised ...
In federal and regionalised states, bicameralism constitutes shared rule between levels of governments. At the same time, second chambers serve as a safeguard protecting self-rule of decentralised governments ...
... role. It presents a federalist critique of this development, drawing on the work of Daniel Elazar, discussing the concepts of non-centralization, federal process and federal covenant in the context of ...
... the other Provinces as well, moving towards de facto asymmetry. This process has proved to be successful over the years, but recently the federal government has reacted, recentralizing some aspects of ...
... examines how subnational units in Canada actually compete with the central government, emphasizing the concrete strategies and tactics they most commonly employ to get their way in confrontations with ...
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