EU Citizenship before the CJEU: On the importance of the application of the proportionality principle
(Carmen Román Vaca/Essay)
(Carmen Román Vaca/Essay)
... (a concept introduced by Endicott, 2012), in the application of the principle by the CJEU. Through this approach, I will evaluate, as a second aim, the legitimacy of the final result achieved by the Court ...
Federalism, Fiscal Federalism and Health Federalism: Standard Costs in Legislative Decree No. 68 of May 6th, 2011
(Giorgio Grasso/Essay)
(Giorgio Grasso/Essay)
This paper analyses the regulation of standard costs in Legislative Decree No. 68/2011. It begins with an examination of some concepts that are often confused in the scientific and political debate, such ...
... to defining the new boundaries of this concept ...
Identity vs. representation: what makes ‘the people’? Rethinking democratic citizenship through (and beyond) Carl Schmitt and Hans Kelsen
(David Ragazzoni/Essay)
(David Ragazzoni/Essay)
The concept of ‘citizenship’ has significantly evolved since the work by Thomas Marshall in 1950: the emergence of various kinds of ‘identity/difference’ politics, the transformation of political representation ...
“Euro-Bonds” The Ruiz Zambrano judgment or the Real Invention of EU Citizenship
(Loïc Azoulai/Essay)
(Loïc Azoulai/Essay)
... the Union: a status of transnational integration. The basic claim developed in these pages is that, with Zambrano, the EUCJ moved away from a concept of transnational integration to one of genuine European ...
Call for papers on methodological nationalism and cosmopolitanism in social sciences
... have been forerunners in criticizing the nationalist bias of their disciplines. Ulrich Beck provided a theoretical vision of this problem, developing the concept of methodological nationalism, which, unfortunately, ...
One Mountain with Two Tigers- China and the United States in East Asian Regionalism
(Li Xing /Essay)
(Li Xing /Essay)
... and shaped by the historical evolution of the EU political project, cannot be applied as an overall conceptual framework in understanding regionalism in East Asia. Conventional theories of international ...
Sub-national regions (micro-regions) and supra-national regions (macro-regions) appear as disconnected concepts in the academic literature. They are studied by distinct academic communities between which ...
Federalism Theory and Neo-Functionalism: Elements for an analytical framework
(Søren Dosenrode/Essay)
(Søren Dosenrode/Essay)
The purpose of this article is to propose a draft for an analytical frame for analyzing regional integration consisting of federalism theory and neo-functionalism. It starts out discussing the concept ...
... administrative is very crucial today, and is strongly connected to identity politics and to the conflicting concepts regarding the definition of Iraqi nationalism and identity. This article attempts to ...
... carelessness” constitutes just one “element” of the democratic deficit of the EU. Starting from a “broad” concept of the democratic gap (i.e. focused not only on the question of the EU Parliament’s powers) ...