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21. Which Governments Come Out Ahead?
(William M. Myers and Davia Cox Downey/Essay)
... are investigated using decisions made by the high courts of Australia, Canada, and the United States. The descriptive findings indicate that institutional arrangements, such as federalism, in some ways, ...
... Bank, one of the most effective European instruments in counteracting the effects of the Euro-crisis. Despite the apparent willingness of the BVerfG to accept the referring decision of the ECJ, it is clear ...
The Divisional Court of the Queen’s Bench Division of the England and Wales High Court handed down its decision on 20 April 2016 in the judicial review case of Shindler. This ruling confirmed that British ...
... 23 decision-making processes in German Länder and try to find out how far their outcome has been determined by multilevel and / or sub-national factors. Notably, I will refer to three policy areas in which ...
... the party has a highly centralised decision-making system founded on the principle of ‘democratic centralism’. Under this system, the party’s regional and local structures, which also control government ...
... democratic system. Specifically, three developments are examined: a) States’ constitutional reforms defining their own catalogues of human rights; b) Decisions of the Federal Electoral Tribunal enforcing ...
... can thus help ascertaining the scope of subnational autonomous decision-making, if based on the set of arguments pertaining to efficiency and democratic legitimacy that together construe subsidiarity. ...
... Constitutional Court’s views on subnational direct democracy. The second case discusses the Spanish Constitutional Court’s decision on the Catalonian Statute. Thirdly, the paper examines US federal courts’ ...
... of the involvement of people and civil society in decision-making remains contentious, more than a decade after the publication of the 2001 White Paper on European Governance, the method of increasing ...
... the role exercised by such bodies in the EU decision-making process. After a general overview of the main organisational and functional features characterising the activity of these bodies in EU affairs, ...
31. Spanish Autonomous Communities and EU policies
(Agustín Ruiz Robledo/Essay)
... decisions that their governments could not adopt domestically nevertheless ended up being adopted in Europe. This affected the competences of these sub-state entities, which had no representation in Europe ...
The Treaty of Lisbon increased the role of National and Regional Parliaments in the EU decision-making process, in order to compensate for some of the weaknesses of the European institutional architecture. ...
... for which the internal co-decision procedure is required.The international role of EP is thus gradually accepted in the academic literature. In this line, the aim of the paper is to provide empirical ...
Courts use the proportionality principle to ensure the legitimacy of their decisions. According to Harbo (2010), the CJEU is interpreting the principle in different ways, determined by the different areas ...
... by the European Court of Human Rights in order to avoid the crucial decision over the hierarchy between obligations arising from the ECHR and the UN Charter. This article describes the “elusive virtue” ...
... of the institutional opportunities that the Union composite constitutional order provides for the participation of the regional tier in its decision-making processes. The present paper examines how the ...
... on policy domains and the quality of the decision-making processes. Researching the stability of the participation tools or whether local democracy prefers more “ad hoc” processes allows us to analyze ...
... directly involve civil society in the decision-making process experiencing the scope and appropriateness of the instruments by which it is channeled ...
... the quality of democracy and the efficiency of public decision-making. It is necessary to assume that governments cannot face these complex transformations without taking into account all voices and interests. ...
... decision to look to countries with multi-level political structures for inspiration. This  paper puts forward the hypothesis that the electoral system in communities which form part of the endogenous party ...
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