The practice of federalism in Nigeria had undergone different stages of structuring to resolve salient political issues. However, despite each change to the structure, the clamour for further change has ...
... all sectors will have to do their part in order to mitigate their climate impact. There is a sector in particular, the sector of agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) that, despite being one ...
Addressing the limits of autonomy: Origin, organization and purpose of horizontal intergovernmental forums in three federations
(Yonatan Tesfaye Fessha/Essay)
(Yonatan Tesfaye Fessha/Essay)
... or a culture of cross-boundary interaction, institutionalization might give horizontal intergovernmental relation the prompt it needs. Despite the expectation that they will focus on facilitating horizontal ...
A ‘second youth’ for the EU Speakers’ Conference? A critical appraisal of its ‘quasi-constitutional’ role
(Cristina Fasone/Essay)
(Cristina Fasone/Essay)
... capacity among the MS and the EU. Despite these limitations, the ‘quasi-constitutional’ role of the EU Speakers’ Conference has mainly consisted of approving guidelines, if not directly rules of procedure, ...
The Lesson from the Modern American Federalism: A Challenge to Effective Public Policy Performance
(Geiguen Shin/Essay)
(Geiguen Shin/Essay)
... been quite substantial since 1970s. As a result, this article suggests that despite the increased complexity of the U.S. federal system, it has evolved in such an appropriate way that would increase the ...
Unicameralism, Bicameralism, Multicameralism: Evolution and Trends in Europe
(Paolo Passaglia/Essay)
(Paolo Passaglia/Essay)
... and qualified unicameralism) did not survive, despite their sometimes-remarkable historical interest. Currently, parliaments in Europe are either unicameral or bicameral: while unicameralism is the most ...
... of the European Union’s social objectives. However, despite some federal traits of the European Union (“EU”), since the beginning European social dialogue has faced numerous challenges, particularly when ...
The implementation of EU law by national administrations: Executive federalism and the principle of sincere cooperation
(Rui Tavares Lanceiro/Essay)
(Rui Tavares Lanceiro/Essay)
... the “Bundestreue” principle. The EU system appears to be closer to the German model of federalism than the US. Despite the federal inspiration, one cannot say that the principle of sincere cooperation ...
Reflections on the ‘Administrative, Not Constitutional’ Character of EU Law in Times of Crisis
(Peter L. Lindseth/Essay)
(Peter L. Lindseth/Essay)
... conceptions of legitimacy deeply bound up with it, are crucial to understanding not just the modern administrative state but also the nature of EU governance and the law governing its operation. Despite ...
The impossible constitutional reconciliation of the BVerfG and the ECJ in the OMT case. A legal analysis of the first preliminary referral of the BVerfG
(Francesco Pennesi/Note)
(Francesco Pennesi/Note)
... Bank, one of the most effective European instruments in counteracting the effects of the Euro-crisis. Despite the apparent willingness of the BVerfG to accept the referring decision of the ECJ, it is clear ...
This article addresses the role of the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) in possible scenarios of EU reforms. Despite its crucial role in the EU integration process the CJEU has been neglected in many ...
European Citizens… Mind the Gap! Some Reflections on Participatory Democracy in the EU
(Delia Ferri/Essay)
(Delia Ferri/Essay)
... sin: the “democratic deficit”. Despite these innovations, the “democratic deficit” still exists as a deficiency with regard to “input legitimacy”, i.e. as a “discrepancy between the pervasive effects ...
Implementing fiscal decentralization in Italy between crisis and austerity: Challenges ahead
(Stefano Piperno/Essay)
(Stefano Piperno/Essay)
... reform to a standstill – despite the progress obtained in 2010 and 2011 with the approval of the implementing decrees of Law no. 42/2009. Conversely, carrying out the fiscal federalism reform in order ...
Reshaping Disability Policy Making in Italy: The ‘Focal Point’, the National Observatory on the Situation of Persons with Disabilities, and... the Absence of Regions?
(Delia Ferri/Essay)
(Delia Ferri/Essay)
... Regions (despite their important powers in the disability domain). This essay aims to investigate the most intriguing aspects of current disability policy making, without neglecting empirical insights ...
Comparing the Subnational Constitutional Space of the European Sub-State Entities in the Area of Foreign Affairs
(Nikos Skoutaris/Essay)
(Nikos Skoutaris/Essay)
... Finally, it focuses on their autonomous external representation at the EU level. It argues that, despite conventional wisdom, States do not enjoy a monopoly of competences in the area of foreign affai ...
Empowering Local Democracy In Catalonia: Tools And Policy Domains To Implement a Top-Down Solution
(Lluís Medir Tejado/Essay)
(Lluís Medir Tejado/Essay)
... the boundaries/limits of local democracy in Catalonia. The main idea underlying this paper is that, despite the existence of a single legal model regulating municipalities in Catalonia, local authorities ...
The Constitutional Court gives fiscal federalism new opportunities, but only for regions endowed with special autonomy
(Marco Calcagno/Note)
(Marco Calcagno/Note)
These are hard times for fiscal federalism. Although many political parties consider it a sort of flag, despite always being present on the political agenda, the implementation of article 119 of the Italian ...
What colour for the helmet? Major regional powers and their preferences for UN, regional or ad hoc coalition peace operations
(Chiara Ruffa/Essay)
(Chiara Ruffa/Essay)
After the end of the Cold War, peacekeeping operations have increasingly been launched by new actors (such as regional organizations and ad hoc coalitions) despite the continued and important role of ...