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... This opportunity was provided with the introduction of educational and agrarian reforms by the communist government to wipe out inequalities existing in these two sectors. The educational reforms attracted ...
... (seven members from different areas of the territory, without a President or a Premier) and legislative power (with two chambers). or the federal economic system with a fiscal equalization between poor ...
... the compatibility of asymmetry in fundamental rights with the equality principle, looking at the so-called Charter for Flanders (Handvest voor Vlaanderen, in Flemish) in the light of the Swiss experience. ...
The aim of this contribution is to make some points on the distinction between ‘perfect’ (or equal) and ‘imperfect’ (or unequal) bicameralism and its relevance to contemporary discussions about second ...
... Systems used in federal states are usually based on a compromise between the equality of states, and the equality of citizens. Consequently, in the Nice system, smaller Member States in the EU had relatively ...
After a discussion of the impact of the principle of equality, entrenched in the Charters approved in Canada since the 1867 British North American Act, this essay then focuses on the related Supreme Court’s ...
The Canadian constitution is to some extent characterised by its focus on equality, and in particular gender equality. This development of women’s rights in Canada and the greater engagement of women as ...
... is the achievement of positive equality. This tendency could be smoothed by in the European Regional Policy. However, this article puts this into question given the current link of Regional Funds to both ...
The reform of the economic governance in the EU, as a reaction to the Eurozone crisis, has increased the asymmetries in the Union. Although formally respected, the principle of equality of the Member States ...
This article theorises the territorial solidarity and fiscal federalism and compares Switzerland with the European Union. While inter-territorial solidarity is a prerequisite for legitimate fiscal equalisation, ...
... in Italy, in which the various bodies making up the Republic are on an equal footing. Accordingly, this has made it necessary to re-consider the relationships between Regions and Local Authorities, which ...
... to speak, on equal terms, with the other continental powers. In this essay, it is suggested that the EU should propose to build a “world eco-monetary union” – reforming the IMF in order to substitute the ...
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