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... neither federalism in general nor judicial federalism in particular ...
Immediately after the formation of the state of Kerala, general election was held to the Kerala State Legislative Assembly. In this election, the communists came to power in Kerala. This was the first ...
... as ‘classic models’ of ‘judicial federalism’, namely the United States and Germany. This is related to the particularities of Latin American constitutionalism in general, and Argentine constitutionalism ...
... in Federal Systems’.  It will focus on the degree to which legal and judicial pluralism is possible within the general legal system of the State. Particular attention will be paid to autonomous judicial ...
Judicial federalism has generally been neglected by scholars in comparative federalism. However, this topic is quite relevant for a proper understanding of the distribution of competences in a federal ...
6. What Brexit now? Possible implications for the UK and the EU
(Roberto Castaldi - Giuseppe Martinico/Editorial)
Brexit is closer now due to the bombastic victory of the Conservative Party at the British general election. However, this does not mean that its physiognomy is clear at all. No less interesting is its ...
... concludes that the Spanish criminal law fulfils, generally speaking, the mandate of the PIF Directive. ...
... the issue of environmental justice. In order to pursue this aim, we will proceed as follows. First of all (Par. 1), we will outline the general framework in which the considered case law are situated. ...
... to understandings of the provision by reviewing its main features and contextualising its deployment in the general Polish rule of law crisis, with the aim of evaluating whether it can now be considered ...
... to assign it relevance in this sphere by creating a General Committee on Autonomous Communities. By way of exception the Senate is exclusively responsible for the decision to authorize the Government to ...
According to many legal and political scientists the Austrian Bundesrat is generally considered to be a paradigmatic example of a politically and legally weak second chamber embedded in a strongly centralised ...
... common option, bicameralism is generally adopted in more populous countries and/or States with strong territorial autonomies. As a matter of fact, among varieties of bicameralism, the most common is characterized ...
13. The past, present and future of the EU's federal experience
(Francisco Pereira Coutinho & Martinho Lucas Pires/Editorial)
... 2017 under the Jean Monnet Project “More EU - More Europe to Overcome the Crisis”. The articles discuss, either from a more general or from a more specific standpoint, within a variety of subjects, some ...
This paper starts with a general contextualisation of how Canadian constitutional law acquired an important role in global constitutional conversations in recent decades. It then considers, in particular, ...
... substantive choice is well illustrated by the Greek crisis. Since its first bailout in May 2010, Greece has held four general elections and a referendum. Yet, the anti-austerity preferences of the Greek ...
16. Which Governments Come Out Ahead?
(William M. Myers and Davia Cox Downey/Essay)
... confirm and in others confound traditional notions of which governments come out ahead, which yields important implications for party capability theory, specifically, and federalism, generally. ...
... to ASEAN Human Rights Declaration (2012) or general political principles adopted inside ASEAN we will find several value-oriented peculiarities that distinguish it from EU political and juridical fundamental ...
... role in this field, they should remain temporary for they are characterised by uncertainty and instability and make it generally difficult for citizens to follow up on national parliaments’ actions and ...
This paper provides a general overview of the EU’s own resources system, and of the debate on its possible reform within the current legal framework. Two alternative reforms are discussed, along with ...
... citizens living in other EU Member States for more than 15 years remain barred from voting in the June 2016 referendum.The case sparks further consideration of the voting rules in general and may therefore ...
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