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Tags: [European integration, value community, interest community, principal-agent problem, Perspectives on Federalism, endre, orban]  ...
Tags: [Climate Change, Climate Change mitigation, AFOLU sector, International Climate Treaties, International Climate Legal Regime, Roberto, Talenti, Perspectives on Federalism]  ...
Tags: [Ethiopia; Ethnolinguistic federalism; interborder conflict; Raya; Wolkait, Yonattan Araya Zemaryam, Perspectives on Federalism, 2021]  ...
... of federalism? This article, an exploratory study, interrogated the latter part of the question by examining the concept of federal political culture and its effect on the practice of federalism in the ...
Ever since the European Union came into existence many theories have addressed the state of European integration. This paper tries to offer a further interpretation building on the principal-agent concept. ...
Secession in a EU context analysed from a multilevel governance unravels that there is in fact room EU interference in secessionist conflicts. Nevertheless, a balance should be struck between such commitment ...
... international actors will need to cooperate with each other in order to address it. Secondly, there is a number of sectors contributing to the global emission of greenhouse gasses (GHG) worldwide, so that ...
This study examines the interplay between federalism and interborder conflict between the Tigrai and Amhara regions of Ethiopia. To this effect, secondary data, both qualitative and quantitative, were ...
9. European Taxes and Fiscal Justice: Citizens’ Support and Lessons from the US
(Tomasz P. Woźniakowski and Miguel Poiares Maduro/Essay)
... countries, shows that the citizens support the introduction of European taxes, such a tax on large internet companies, which could reinstall the tax justice, provide more revenues for delivering EU-wide ...
... the positive aspects of the Agreement, but also and above all its criticalities and failures. Taking into consideration such results and the interaction between the two organisations, we analyse the main ...
... powers and the organisation of the judiciary. An important question regards the interrelation with the principle of uniformity of the jurisdiction and the general legal system of the State. According ...
The European Union is well known to be one of the most prominent international actors fighting against the climate crisis and, as the President of the European Council Charles Michel has said, it ...
... an instrument for the diffusion of democracy, human rights and the European model of regional integration in Southeast Asia. Taking into consideration the normative interaction between the two organizations, ...
Horizontal intergovernmental forums that bring together the constituent units of a federation are increasingly common. This article examines the origin, organization and purpose of the premium horizontal ...
... it very hard to be studied in overall terms. The aim of this paper is indeed to begin to tackle this complexity, starting by analysing how does the international legal framework addresses the relationships ...
16. What Brexit now? Possible implications for the UK and the EU
(Roberto Castaldi - Giuseppe Martinico/Editorial)
Brexit is closer now due to the bombastic victory of the Conservative Party at the British general election. However, this does not mean that its physiognomy is clear at all. No less interesting is its ...
17. Fiscal Federalism Policy in Somalia: Emerging Challenges and Agenda for Reform
(Najibullah Nor Isak and Ali Yassin Sheikh Ali/Essay)
This paper examines the development of fiscal federalism in Somalia to reveal the challenges this unique country is facing and, based on the findings, propose and agenda for reform. Interviews, direct ...
... in their interplay, which permeates the whole Iraqi constitutional experience. The 2005 Iraqi Constitution embodies specific but vague dispositions related to the ownership and the ‘management’ of oil ...
... the purpose, among others, of adapting the Spanish law to the EU requirements as regards the protection of the Union’s financial interests. The paper concludes, on the one side, that the PIF Directive ...
Food security is a hugely important and complex issue. Such complexity is demonstrated, inter alia, by the lack of a consistent definition of food security under the international policy framework. Of ...
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